Vector Addition

Vector Addition

In this example, we will show you how to write a program that adds two float32 vectors in hidet script.

import hidet
from hidet.lang import attrs
from hidet.lang.types import f32


In the script function, we annotate the data type of parameter a, b, and c as f32[3], which means a 3-element vector of 32-bit floating point numbers. In general, we can use dtype[shape] to define a tensor with given shape and data type. For example, f32[3, 4] is a 3x4 float32 matrix, and int32[3, 4, 5] is a 3x4x5 int32 tensor.

We can use for i in range(extent) to iterate over a range, where extent is the extent of the loop.

with hidet.script_module() as script_module:

    def launch(a: f32[3], b: f32[3], c: f32[3]):
        attrs.func_kind = 'public'

        for i in range(10):
            c[i] = a[i] + b[i]

module =

Create the input and output tensors (on cpu, with f32 data type by default):

a = hidet.randn([3])
b = hidet.randn([3])
c = hidet.empty([3])

Call the compiled module with the input and output tensors

module(a, b, c)
Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype='float32', device='cpu')
[-0.78  0.59  0.18]
Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype='float32', device='cpu')
[ 0.   -0.56 -0.32]
Tensor(shape=(3,), dtype='float32', device='cpu')
[-0.77  0.02 -0.14]

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.198 seconds)

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