Operator Cache

Operator Cache

Hidet maintains a cache for the compiled operators. The default location of the cache directory depends on whether the package is under a git repository or not.

  • If it is under a git repository, the cache directory will be repo/.hidet_cache where repo is the root directory of the git repository.

  • Otherwise, the cache directory will be ~/.cache/hidet.

You can you use hidet.option.get_cache_dir() to get the path to the cache directory.

>>> import hidet
>>> hidet.option.get_cache_dir()

The hidet cache directory is organized as follows:

|-- onnx                          (automatically downloaded ONNX models)
|   |-- bert.onnx
|   `-- resnet50.onnx
`-- ops
    |-- cpu_space_0
    |-- cuda_space_0              (<target>_space_<space>)
    |   |-- add
    |   |   `-- 41920731adb3acf4  (task string hash)
    |   |       |-- lib.so        (compiled kernel)
    |   |       |-- nvcc_log.txt  (compilation command and nvcc output)
    |   |       |-- source.cu     (kernel source code)
    |   |       `-- task.txt      (task string)
    |   `-- matmul
    |       `-- 92dfdc1734b3854d
    |           |-- lib.so
    |           |-- nvcc_log.txt
    |           |-- source.cu
    |           `-- task.txt
    `-- cuda_space_2
        `-- batch_matmul
            |-- 2e4ce0f773c8d25c
            |   |-- lib.so
            |   |-- nvcc_log.txt
            |   |-- source.cu
            |   `-- summary.txt
            `-- 3b8442fa440916f7
                |-- lib.so
                |-- nvcc_log.txt
                |-- source.cu
                |-- summary.txt
                `-- task.txt

When we run an operator, we first check if the operator is already compiled and cached. If so, we load the cached kernel in lib.so and run it without recompilation. Otherwise, we compile the operator and cache the compiled kernel.

To change the cache directory, you can use hidet.option.cache_dir():

>>> hidet.option.cache_dir('/path/to/cache')