Source code for hidet.cuda.memory

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, c-extension-no-member
from typing import Tuple, Union, Optional
from cuda import cudart
from cuda.cudart import cudaStream_t, cudaMemcpyKind
from .stream import Stream, current_stream

[docs]def memory_info() -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Get the free and total memory on the current device in bytes. Returns ------- (free, total): Tuple[int, int] The free and total memory on the current device in bytes. """ err, free_bytes, total_bytes = cudart.cudaMemGetInfo() assert err == 0, err return free_bytes, total_bytes
[docs]def malloc(num_bytes: int) -> int: """ Allocate memory on the current device. Parameters ---------- num_bytes: int The number of bytes to allocate. Returns ------- addr: int The address of the allocated memory. """ err, addr = cudart.cudaMalloc(num_bytes) assert err == 0, err return addr
[docs]def free(addr: int) -> None: """ Free memory on the current cuda device. Parameters ---------- addr: int The address of the memory to free. This must be the address of memory allocated with :func:`malloc` or :func:`malloc_async`. """ (err,) = cudart.cudaFree(addr) assert err == 0, err
[docs]def malloc_async(num_bytes: int, stream: Optional[Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int]] = None) -> int: """ Allocate memory on the current device asynchronously. Parameters ---------- num_bytes: int The number of bytes to allocate. stream: Optional[Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int]] The stream to use for the allocation. If None, the current stream is used. Returns ------- addr: int The address of the allocated memory. When the allocation failed due to insufficient memory, 0 is returned. """ if stream is None: stream = current_stream() err, addr = cudart.cudaMallocAsync(num_bytes, int(stream)) if err == cudart.cudaError_t.cudaErrorMemoryAllocation: return 0 assert err == 0, err return addr
[docs]def free_async(addr: int, stream: Optional[Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int]] = None) -> None: """ Free memory on the current cuda device asynchronously. Parameters ---------- addr: int The address of the memory to free. This must be the address of memory allocated with :func:`malloc` or :func:`malloc_async`. stream: Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int], optional The stream to use for the free. If None, the current stream is used. """ if stream is None: stream = current_stream() (err,) = cudart.cudaFreeAsync(addr, int(stream)) assert err == 0, err
[docs]def malloc_host(num_bytes: int) -> int: """ Allocate pinned host memory. Parameters ---------- num_bytes: int The number of bytes to allocate. Returns ------- addr: int The address of the allocated memory. """ err, addr = cudart.cudaMallocHost(num_bytes) assert err == 0, err if err == cudart.cudaError_t.cudaErrorMemoryAllocation: return 0 return addr
[docs]def free_host(addr: int) -> None: """ Free pinned host memory. Parameters ---------- addr: int The address of the memory to free. This must be the address of memory allocated with :func:`malloc_host`. """ (err,) = cudart.cudaFreeHost(addr) assert err == 0, err
[docs]def memset(addr: int, value: int, num_bytes: int) -> None: """ Set the gpu memory to a given value. Parameters ---------- addr: int The start address of the memory region to set. value: int The byte value to set the memory region to. num_bytes: int The number of bytes to set. """ (err,) = cudart.cudaMemset(addr, value, num_bytes) assert err == 0, err
[docs]def memset_async( addr: int, value: int, num_bytes: int, stream: Optional[Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int]] = None ) -> None: """ Set the gpu memory to given value asynchronously. Parameters ---------- addr: int The start address of the memory region to set. value: int The byte value to set the memory region to. num_bytes: int The number of bytes to set. stream: Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int], optional The stream to use for the memset. If None, the current stream is used. """ if stream is None: stream = current_stream() (err,) = cudart.cudaMemsetAsync(addr, value, num_bytes, int(stream)) assert err == 0, err
[docs]def memcpy(dst: int, src: int, num_bytes: int) -> None: """ Copy gpu memory from one location to another. Parameters ---------- dst: int The destination address. src: int The source address. num_bytes: int The number of bytes to copy. """ (err,) = cudart.cudaMemcpy(dst, src, num_bytes, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDefault) if err != 0: raise RuntimeError(f"cudaMemcpy failed with error code {}")
[docs]def memcpy_async(dst: int, src: int, num_bytes: int, stream: Optional[Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int]] = None) -> None: """ Copy gpu memory from one location to another asynchronously. Parameters ---------- dst: int The destination address. src: int The source address. num_bytes: int The number of bytes to copy. stream: Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int], optional The stream to use for the memcpy. If None, the current stream is used. """ if stream is None: stream = current_stream() (err,) = cudart.cudaMemcpyAsync(dst, src, num_bytes, cudaMemcpyKind.cudaMemcpyDefault, int(stream)) assert err == 0, err
def memcpy_peer(dst: int, dst_id: int, src: int, src_id: int, num_bytes: int) -> None: """ Copy gpu memory from one device to another. Parameters ---------- dst: int The destination address. dst_id: int The id of the destination device. src: int The source address. src_id: int The id of the source device. num_bytes: int The number of bytes to copy. """ (err,) = cudart.cudaMemcpyPeer(dst, dst_id, src, src_id, num_bytes) assert err == 0, err def memcpy_peer_async( dst: int, dst_id: int, src: int, src_id: int, num_bytes: int, stream: Optional[Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int]] = None, ) -> None: """ Copy gpu memory from one device to another. Parameters ---------- dst: int The destination address. dst_id: int The id of the destination device. src: int The source address. src_id: int The id of the source device. num_bytes: int The number of bytes to copy. stream: Union[Stream, cudaStream_t, int], optional The stream to use for the memcpy. If None, the current stream is used. """ if stream is None: stream = current_stream() (err,) = cudart.cudaMemcpyPeerAsync(dst, dst_id, src, src_id, num_bytes, int(stream)) assert err == 0, err