Source code for hidet.drivers.build_task

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import re
import os
import json
import shutil
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from tqdm import tqdm

import hidet.cuda
from hidet import option
from import AssertStmt
from import is_constant
from import IRModule
from import Task
from hidet.drivers.build_module import build_ir_module, build_ir_module_batch
from hidet.drivers.utils import lazy_initialize_cuda
from hidet.runtime.compiled_module import compiled_module_exists
from hidet.runtime.compiled_task import CompiledTask, TensorSignature, load_compiled_task, compiled_task_cache
from hidet.runtime.device import Device
from hidet.utils.multiprocess import parallel_imap_1stlevel
from import cyan, green

logger = logging.Logger(__name__)

def _generate_candidate_summary(candidates: List[IRModule], task_dir: str):
    import tabulate

    headers = ['index']
    tuning_kwargs = getattr(candidates[0], '_tuning_kwargs', {})
    lines = []
    for i, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
        line = []
        tuning_kwargs = getattr(candidate, '_tuning_kwargs', {})
        for header in headers[1:]:
            if header in tuning_kwargs:

    with open(os.path.join(task_dir, 'candidates.txt'), 'w') as f:
        f.write(tabulate.tabulate(lines, headers=headers, tablefmt='plain'))
    with open(os.path.join(task_dir, 'candidates.json'), 'w') as f:
        json.dump({'headers': headers, 'candidates': lines}, f, indent=2)

def build_task_module(task: Task, candidates: List[IRModule], task_dir: str, target: str):
    from hidet.lang import int32, void
    from hidet.lang import attrs
    from hidet.lang import meta

    # declare the functions to retrieve input/output shapes
    def get_input_shape(idx: int32, dims: ~int32):
        attrs.func_kind = 'public'

        for i in meta.range(len(task.inputs)):
            if idx == i:
                for j in meta.range(len(task.inputs[i].shape)):
                    dims[j] = task.inputs[i].shape[j]

    def get_output_shape(idx: int32, dims: ~int32):
        attrs.func_kind = 'public'

        for i in meta.range(len(task.outputs)):
            if idx == i:
                for j in meta.range(len(task.outputs[i].shape)):
                    dims[j] = task.outputs[i].shape[j]

    if len(candidates) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No candidate found.')
    elif len(candidates) == 1:
        from hidet.transforms.generate_launch_func import generate_launch_func

        # when there is only one candidate, we reuse the candidate's ir module
        task_ir_module: IRModule = generate_launch_func(candidates[0])
        task_ir_module.add_function(, get_input_shape)
        task_ir_module.add_function(, get_output_shape)

        # generate the candidate summary
        _generate_candidate_summary(candidates, task_dir)

        launch_func = task_ir_module.functions['launch']
        del task_ir_module.functions['launch']
        if 'launch' in task_ir_module.global_vars:
            del task_ir_module.global_vars['launch'] = 'launch_0'
        task_ir_module.functions['launch_0'] = launch_func
        # otherwise, build each candidate to a .o file, and link them into the task's ir module
        for i, candidate in enumerate(candidates):
            candidate.namespace = f'candidate_{i}'

        # generate the candidate summary
        _generate_candidate_summary(candidates, task_dir)
        # build each candidate to an object file (.o)
        objects_path_list = build_ir_module_batch(
            output_dirs=[os.path.join(task_dir, 'candidates', str(i)) for i in range(len(candidates))],

        param_types = [~t.type.dtype for t in task.params]

        with hidet.script_module() as script_module:
            launch_candidates = []
            for i in range(len(candidates)):
                        name='candidate_{}.launch'.format(i), param_types=param_types, ret_type=void

            for i in range(len(candidates)):

                def launch(arg: meta.types(param_types)):
                    attrs.func_name = 'launch_{}'.format(i)
                    attrs.func_kind = 'public'


        ir_module = script_module.ir_module()
        ir_module.add_function(, get_input_shape)
        ir_module.add_function(, get_output_shape)
        ir_module.object_files.extend([os.path.join(object_path, 'lib.o') for object_path in objects_path_list])
        task_ir_module = ir_module
        task_ir_module.task = task

    # add assertions to the launch function
    if len(task.assertions) > 0:
        assertions = tuple(AssertStmt(cond, msg) for cond, msg in task.assertions)
        for _, func in task_ir_module.functions.items():
            # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string
            if func.kind == 'public' and"launch_\d+",
                body = func.body
                # this should be fine, since ResolveSymbolPass resolves all symbols to the front
                #    before these
                if isinstance(body,
                    body.seq = assertions + body.seq

    # build task ir module
    build_ir_module(ir_module=task_ir_module, output_dir=task_dir, output_kind='.so', target=target)
    # clear the candidate object files that are no longer needed
    if not hidet.option.get_option('debug_cache_tuning'):
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(task_dir, 'candidates'), ignore_errors=True)

def generate_meta_data(task: Task, task_dir: str, build_target: str, num_candidates: int):
    from import TensorNode
    from hidet.runtime.compiled_task import TaskMetaData
    from hidet.graph.ops.transfer import TransferTask
    from hidet.utils.dataclass import asdict

    # determine the output device
    if isinstance(task, TransferTask):
        # for transfer tasks, we use the src/dst device to know input/output device
        input_device = str(task.src_device)
        output_device = str(task.dst_device)
        # for ALL other tasks, their input/output device MUST be the same: the build target
        input_device = output_device = build_target

    def get_signature(t: TensorNode, device: str) -> TensorSignature:
        return TensorSignature(
            device=device,, shape=[int(v) if is_constant(v) else str(v) for v in t.shape]

    # extract the task name
    from hidet.graph.ops.fusion.fused_operator import FusedTask

    if isinstance(task, FusedTask):
        task_name = 'fused_{}'.format(task.attrs['fused_ops'].replace(' ', '_'))
        task_name =

    # generate meta data
    meta = TaskMetaData(
        symbols=[ for v in task.symbols],
        inputs=[get_signature(t, input_device) for t in task.inputs],
        outputs=[get_signature(t, output_device) for t in task.outputs],
    with open(os.path.join(task_dir, 'meta.json'), 'w') as f:
        json.dump(asdict(meta), f, indent=2)

[docs]def build_task(task: Task, target='cuda', load=True) -> Optional[CompiledTask]: """ Build a task into a compiled function. Parameters ---------- task: Task The task to be built. target: str The target platform. Candidates are 'cuda' and 'cpu'. load: bool Whether to load the compiled function. If False, the compiled function will not be loaded, and None is returned. Otherwise, the compiled function is loaded and returned. Returns ------- ret: CompiledTask When load is True, the compiled function is returned. Otherwise, None is returned. """ target = target.kind if isinstance(target, Device) else target task_string = str(task) space_level = option.get_option('search_space') op_cache_dir = os.path.join(option.get_option('cache_dir'), './ops') use_cache = option.get_option('cache_operator') # Check in-memory cache compiled_task = check_in_memory_cache(target, space_level, task_string, load) if compiled_task: return compiled_task # Prepare cache paths and versioning config_str = f'{target}_space_{space_level}' task_dir, version_path = prepare_cache_paths(op_cache_dir, config_str, task) # Check disk cache if use_cache and verify_disk_cache(version_path, task_dir): return load_task_from_disk(, task_dir, target, space_level, task_string, load) # Compile the task from scratch return compile_task_from_scratch(task, target, task_string, task_dir, space_level, load)
def check_in_memory_cache(target, space_level, task_string, load): """Check if the task exists in the in-memory cache.""" if compiled_task_cache.contains(target, space_level, task_string): return compiled_task_cache.get(target, space_level, task_string) if load else None return None def prepare_cache_paths(op_cache_dir, config_str, task): """Prepare paths for the task cache.""" task_hash = task.calculate_hash() task_dir = os.path.join(op_cache_dir, config_str,, task_hash) version_path = os.path.join(task_dir, 'version.txt') return task_dir, version_path def verify_disk_cache(version_path, task_dir): """Verify if the disk cache is valid and the version matches.""" version_matched = False if os.path.exists(version_path): with open(version_path, 'r') as f: version = version_matched = version == hidet.__version__ return version_matched and compiled_module_exists(task_dir) def load_task_from_disk(task_name, task_dir, target, space_level, task_string, load): """Load a task from the disk cache.""" logger.debug(f"Load cached task binary {green(task_name)} from path: \n{cyan(os.path.join(task_dir, ''))}") if load: compiled_task = load_compiled_task(task_dir) compiled_task_cache.add(target, space_level, task_string, compiled_task) return compiled_task return None def compile_task_from_scratch(task, target, task_string, task_dir, space_level, load): """Compile the task from scratch.""""Compiling {target} task {green(task.signature())}...") # Prepare task directory os.makedirs(task_dir, exist_ok=True) write_task_files(task, task_string, task_dir) # Implement task to IRModule candidates candidates = task.implement(target=target, working_dir=task_dir) # Generate metadata and build modules generate_meta_data(task, task_dir, target, len(candidates)) build_task_module(task, candidates, task_dir, target) # Load and cache the compiled task if load: compiled_task = load_compiled_task(task_dir) compiled_task_cache.add(target, space_level, task_string, compiled_task) return compiled_task return None def write_task_files(task, task_string, task_dir): """Write task information and version files.""" with open(os.path.join(task_dir, 'task.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(task_string) try: hidet.save_task(task, os.path.join(task_dir, 'task.pickle')) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except, unused-variable # Some objects may not be serializable; ignore them pass with open(os.path.join(task_dir, 'version.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(hidet.__version__) def _build_job(args): try: task, target = args, load=False) return True, 'Success' except (Exception,): # pylint: disable=broad-except import traceback if option.get_option('parallel_build'): return False, traceback.format_exc() else: raise def build_task_batch(task_target_pairs: List[Tuple[Task, str]]): jobs = [(task, target) for task, target in task_target_pairs] if option.get_option('parallel_build') and len(jobs) > 1: lazy_initialize_cuda() status_list = list( tqdm(parallel_imap_1stlevel(_build_job, jobs), desc='Parallel build', total=len(jobs), ncols=80) ) else: status_list = list(map(_build_job, jobs)) if not all(status for status, msg in status_list) and option.get_option('parallel_build'): msg = ['Failed to build {} tasks:'.format(sum(1 for s, msg in status_list if not s))] for (task, target), (status, job_msg) in zip(task_target_pairs, status_list): if not status: job_msg = ('\n' + job_msg).replace('\n', '\n ') msg.append(f' [{target}] {task.signature()}') msg.append(f'{job_msg}') # msg.append('Please turn off parallel build to see the error message:') # msg.append(' hidet.option.parallel_build(False)') raise RuntimeError('\n'.join(msg))