# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Import onnx model to hidet.
Please refers to https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/docs/Operators.md for operator definition.
Please refers to https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/onnx/onnx.proto for proto structure of onnx format.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Dict, Callable, Type, Sequence, Set
from collections import defaultdict
import warnings
import os
import logging
import numpy as np
import onnx
import onnx.numpy_helper
import onnx.external_data_helper
import hidet
from hidet.graph import nn
from hidet.graph import ops
from hidet.graph.tensor import Tensor, from_numpy, randn
from . import utils
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class OnnxOperator:
def __init__(self, node, op_sets: List[int]):
node: onnx.NodeProto
self.node: onnx.NodeProto = node
self.op_sets: List[int] = op_sets
self.input_names: List[str] = [name for name in node.input]
self.output_names: List[str] = [name for name in node.output]
self.attrs = {}
for attr in node.attribute:
if attr.type == 1: # float
v = attr.f
elif attr.type == 2: # int
v = attr.i
elif attr.type == 3: # string
v = attr.s.decode('utf-8')
elif attr.type == 4: # tensor
v = from_numpy(onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(tensor=attr.t)).cuda()
elif attr.type == 5: # graph
v = attr.g
elif attr.type == 6: # floats
v = list(attr.floats)
elif attr.type == 7: # ints
v = list(attr.ints)
elif attr.type == 8: # strings
v = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in attr.strings]
raise ValueError('Can not recognize type id {} of attribute {}'.format(attr.type, attr.name))
self.attrs[attr.name] = v
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
opset = self.resolve_opset(self.op_sets)
run_func: Callable[[List[Tensor]], List[Tensor]] = getattr(self, 'run_v{}'.format(opset))
outs = run_func(inputs)
return outs
def resolve_opset(self, op_sets: List[int]) -> int:
for op_set in op_sets:
try_op_set = op_set
while try_op_set >= 1:
if self.implemented(try_op_set):
return try_op_set
try_op_set -= 1
raise NotImplementedError(
'Can not resolve opset for operator {} given opsets {}.'.format(self.node.op_type, op_sets)
def implemented(self, opset: int):
func_name = 'run_v{}'.format(opset)
this_func = getattr(self, func_name)
base_func = getattr(OnnxOperator, func_name)
return this_func.__func__ is not base_func
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v2(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v3(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v4(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v5(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v6(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v7(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v8(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v9(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v10(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v11(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v12(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v13(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v14(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v15(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v16(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v17(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def run_v18(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return NotImplemented
def tensor2list(tensor: Tensor) -> Union[List, int, float]:
ret = tensor.cpu().numpy().tolist()
assert isinstance(ret, (list, int, float))
return ret
def tensor2scalar(tensor: Tensor) -> Union[int, float]:
value = OnnxOperator.tensor2list(tensor)
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
if len(value) == 1:
return value[0]
raise ValueError('Expect a scalar, got {}'.format(value))
assert isinstance(value, (int, float))
return value
def optional_inputs(inputs: List[Tensor], requires: List[bool]) -> List[Union[Tensor, None]]:
diff = len(requires) - len(inputs)
assert diff >= 0, 'Onnx get {} inputs but expect at most {}.'.format(len(inputs), len(requires))
ret: List[Union[Tensor, None]] = []
ret += inputs
ret += [None for _ in range(diff)]
for i, (t, r) in enumerate(zip(ret, requires)):
if t is None and r:
raise ValueError('The {}th input is required.'.format(i))
return ret
dispatch_table: Dict[str, Type[OnnxOperator]] = {}
def register_onnx_operator(cls: Type[OnnxOperator]):
if not issubclass(cls, OnnxOperator):
raise ValueError('Can only register a sub-class of OnnxOperator as an onnx operator.')
cls_name = cls.__name__
if not cls_name.startswith('Onnx'):
raise ValueError(
'Please name the class as OnnxOPNAME such as OnnxConv and OnnxAdd,'
' where OPNAME is the same as the operator name used by ONNX. Got {}'.format(cls_name)
dispatch_table[cls_name[4:]] = cls
return cls
class OnnxConv(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
groups = self.attrs.get('group', 1)
if len(inputs) == 2:
x, w = inputs
bias = None
x, w, bias = inputs
if len(x.shape) == 4:
dilations = self.attrs.get('dilations', [1, 1])
padding = self.attrs.get('pads', [0, 0, 0, 0])
strides = self.attrs.get('strides', [1, 1])
padding = ops.utils.normalize_padding(padding)
# currently conv2d only supports symmetric padding, like torch
if not (padding[0] == padding[2] and padding[1] == padding[3]):
x = ops.pad(x, padding)
output = ops.conv2d(x, w, stride=strides, dilations=dilations, groups=groups)
output = ops.conv2d(
x, w, padding=(padding[0], padding[1]), stride=strides, dilations=dilations, groups=groups
if bias is not None:
bias = ops.unsqueeze(bias, [0, 2, 3])
output = output + bias
elif len(x.shape) == 5:
dilations = self.attrs.get('dilations', [1, 1, 1])
padding = self.attrs.get('pads', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
strides = self.attrs.get('strides', [1, 1, 1])
x = ops.pad(x, ops.utils.normalize_padding(padding, dim=3))
output = ops.conv3d(x, w, stride=strides, dilations=dilations, groups=groups)
if bias is not None:
bias = ops.unsqueeze(bias, [0, 2, 3, 4])
output = output + bias
raise NotImplementedError('Currently only support 2D and 3D convolution, got x {}.'.format(x.shape))
return [output]
def run_v11(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return self.run_v1(inputs)
class OnnxBatchNormalization(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
epsilon: float = self.attrs.get('epsilon', 1e-5)
# for inference, we can ignore this momentum attribute
momentum: float = self.attrs.get('momentum', 0.9) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
training_mode: int = self.attrs.get('training_mode', 0)
assert training_mode == 0, 'BatchNorm in training mode occurs, currently, hidet does not support training.'
x, scale, bias, running_mean, running_var = inputs
if len(x.shape) == 1:
y = (x - running_mean) * (running_var + epsilon).rsqrt()
return [y * scale + bias]
unsqueeze_dims = [dim for dim in range(len(x.shape)) if dim != 1]
y = ops.batch_norm_infer(x, running_mean=running_mean, running_var=running_var, epsilon=epsilon, axis=1)
return [y * scale.unsqueeze(unsqueeze_dims) + bias.unsqueeze(unsqueeze_dims)]
class OnnxRelu(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.relu(inputs[0])]
class OnnxSin(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.sin(inputs[0])]
class OnnxCos(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.cos(inputs[0])]
class OnnxPow(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
x, y = inputs
return [ops.pow(x, y)]
class OnnxDiv(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
x, y = inputs
return [ops.divide(x, y)]
class OnnxSqrt(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.sqrt(inputs[0])]
class OnnxErf(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.erf(inputs[0])]
class OnnxTanh(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.tanh(inputs[0])]
class OnnxMaxPool(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
kernel_size = list(self.attrs.get('kernel_shape'))
x = inputs[0]
if len(x.shape) == 4:
padding = list(self.attrs.get('pads', [0, 0, 0, 0]))
strides = list(self.attrs.get('strides', [1, 1]))
return [ops.max_pool2d(inputs[0], kernel_size, strides, padding)]
elif len(x.shape) == 5:
padding = list(self.attrs.get('pads', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
strides = list(self.attrs.get('strides', [1, 1, 1]))
return [ops.max_pool3d(inputs[0], kernel_size, strides, padding)]
raise NotImplementedError('Currently only support 2d and 3d max pooling')
class OnnxReduceMean(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
dims = self.attrs.get('axes')
keep_dim = self.attrs.get('keepdims', 1) == 1
return [ops.mean(inputs[0], dims, keep_dim)]
class OnnxSqueeze(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
dims = self.attrs.get('axes', None)
data = inputs[0]
if dims is None:
# squeeze all dimensions with extent 1
dims = [i for i, dim in enumerate(data.shape) if dim == 1]
dims = list(dims)
return [ops.squeeze(inputs[0], dims)]
def run_v13(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
data, axes = inputs
dims = self.tensor2list(axes)
return [ops.squeeze(data, dims)]
class OnnxAdd(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [inputs[0] + inputs[1]]
class OnnxSub(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [inputs[0] - inputs[1]]
class OnnxMul(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [inputs[0] * inputs[1]]
class OnnxMatMul(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
a, b = inputs
return [ops.matmul(a, b)]
class OnnxSoftmax(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axis = self.attrs.get('axis', 1)
return [ops.softmax(inputs[0], axis)]
def run_v13(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axis = self.attrs.get('axis', -1)
return [ops.softmax(inputs[0], axis)]
class OnnxGlobalAveragePool(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
(x,) = inputs
dims = list(range(2, len(x.shape)))
return [ops.mean(x, dims=dims, keep_dim=True)]
class OnnxFlatten(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axis = self.attrs.get('axis', 1)
x = inputs[0]
rank = len(x.shape)
axis = (axis + rank) % rank
dims = list(range(rank))
return [ops.rearrange(x, plan=[dims[:axis], dims[axis:]])]
class OnnxUnsqueeze(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axes = self.attrs['axes'] # in [-output_rank, output_rank - 1]
x = inputs[0]
rank = len(x.shape) + len(axes)
axes = [(axis + rank) % rank for axis in axes]
return [ops.unsqueeze(x, axes)]
def run_v13(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
x, axes = inputs
axes = self.tensor2list(axes)
rank = len(x.shape) + len(axes)
axes = [(axis + rank) % rank for axis in axes]
return [ops.unsqueeze(x, axes)]
class OnnxReshape(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
allow_zero = self.attrs.get('allowzero', 0) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
x, shape = inputs
shape = self.tensor2list(shape)
return [ops.reshape(x, shape)]
class OnnxTranspose(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
perm = self.attrs.get('perm', None)
x = inputs[0]
perm = perm if perm else list(reversed(range(len(x.shape))))
return [ops.transpose(x, perm)]
class OnnxConcat(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axis = self.attrs.get('axis')
return [ops.concat(inputs, axis)]
class OnnxArgMax(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axis = self.attrs.get('axis', 0)
keepdims = self.attrs.get('keepdims', True)
select_last_index = self.attrs.get('select_last_index', False)
if select_last_index:
raise NotImplementedError()
return [ops.argmax(inputs[0], dim=axis, keep_dim=keepdims)]
class OnnxGemm(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
alpha = self.attrs.get('alpha', 1.0)
beta = self.attrs.get('beta', 0.0)
trans_a = self.attrs.get('transA', 0)
trans_b = self.attrs.get('transB', 0)
a, b = inputs[:2]
c = inputs[2] if len(inputs) > 2 else None
if trans_a == 1:
a = ops.rearrange(a, plan=[[1], [0]])
if trans_b == 1:
b = ops.rearrange(b, plan=[[1], [0]])
assert a.shape[1] == b.shape[0]
d = ops.matmul(a, b)
if alpha != 1.0:
d = d * alpha
if c is not None and beta != 0.0:
d = d + c * beta
return [d]
class OnnxCast(OnnxOperator):
code2dtype = {
1: 'float32',
2: 'uint8',
3: 'int8',
4: 'uint16',
5: 'int16',
6: 'int32',
7: 'int64',
8: 'string',
9: 'bool',
10: 'float16',
11: 'float64',
12: 'uint32',
13: 'uint64',
14: 'complex64',
15: 'complex128',
16: 'bfloat16',
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
to = self.attrs.get('to')
x = inputs[0]
dtype = self.code2dtype[to]
return [ops.cast(x, dtype)]
class OnnxShape(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
start = self.attrs.get('start', 0)
end: Optional[int] = self.attrs.get('end', None)
x = inputs[0]
rank = len(x.shape)
start = start + rank if start < 0 else start
if end is not None:
end = end + rank if end < 0 else end
end = rank
start = max(min(start, rank), 0)
end = max(min(end, rank), 0)
return [hidet.asarray(x.shape[start:end]).cuda()]
class OnnxConstant(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
value: Optional[Tensor] = self.attrs.get('value')
if value is None:
raise NotImplementedError('Currently, only support Tensor constant in onnx importer')
assert len(inputs) == 0
return [value]
class OnnxGather(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axis = self.attrs.get('axis', 0)
data, indices = inputs
return [ops.take(data, indices, axis)]
class OnnxSlice(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
data = inputs[0]
starts = self.attrs['starts']
ends = self.attrs['ends']
axes = self.attrs.get('axes', list(range(len(starts))))
ends = [min(end, data.shape[i]) for i, end in zip(axes, ends)]
return [ops.strided_slice(data, starts, ends, axes)]
def run_v10(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
data, starts, ends = inputs[:3]
axes = inputs[3] if len(inputs) > 3 else None
steps = inputs[4] if len(inputs) > 4 else None
starts = self.tensor2list(starts)
ends = self.tensor2list(ends)
axes = self.tensor2list(axes) if axes is not None else None
if axes is None:
axes = list(range(len(data.shape)))
steps = self.tensor2list(steps) if steps is not None else None
if steps is None:
steps = [1] * len(data.shape)
ends = [min(end, data.shape[i]) for i, end in zip(axes, ends)]
return [ops.strided_slice(data, starts, ends, axes, steps)]
class OnnxSigmoid(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.sigmoid(inputs[0])]
class OnnxInstanceNormalization(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
epsilon = self.attrs.get('epsilon', 1e-5)
x, scale, bias = inputs
rank = len(x.shape)
dims = [0] + list(range(2, rank))
scale = ops.unsqueeze(scale, dims) # [1, C, D1, ...]
bias = ops.unsqueeze(bias, dims) # [1, C, D1, ...]
return [ops.instance_norm(x, epsilon) * scale + bias]
class OnnxConstantOfShape(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
value = self.attrs.get('value')
if value is None:
value = hidet.zeros([1], dtype='float32')
shape = inputs[0].cpu().numpy().tolist()
assert all(v >= 0 for v in shape)
return [ops.broadcast(value, shape)]
class OnnxPad(OnnxOperator):
def run_v2(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
data = inputs[0]
mode = self.attrs.get('mode', 'constant')
pads = self.attrs.get('pads')
value = self.attrs.get('value', 0.0)
return [ops.pad(data, pads, mode, value)]
def run_v13(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
mode = self.attrs.get('mode', 'constant')
data, pads = inputs[:2]
value = self.tensor2list(inputs[2]) if len(inputs) > 2 else 0.0
pads = self.tensor2list(pads)
return [ops.pad(data, pads, mode, value)]
class OnnxResize(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
coordinate_transformation_mode = self.attrs.get('coordinate_transformation_mode', 'half_pixel')
cubic_coeff_a = self.attrs.get('cubic_coeff_a', -0.75)
exclude_outside = self.attrs.get('exclude_outside', 0)
extrapolation_value = self.attrs.get('extrapolation_value', 0.0)
mode = self.attrs.get('mode', 'nearest')
nearest_mode = self.attrs.get('nearest_mode', 'round_prefer_floor')
x, roi, scales, sizes = self.optional_inputs(inputs, requires=[True, False, False, False])
if roi is not None:
roi = self.tensor2list(roi)
target_size = None
if scales is not None and scales.size > 0:
scales = self.tensor2list(scales)
assert len(x.shape) == len(scales)
target_size = [int(a * b) for a, b in zip(x.shape, scales)]
elif sizes is not None and sizes.size > 0:
sizes = self.tensor2list(sizes)
target_size = [int(v) for v in sizes]
raise ValueError('Resize operator in onnx must give either scales or sizes.')
if len(x.shape) == 4:
if not (target_size[0] == x.shape[0] and target_size[1] == x.shape[1]):
raise ValueError('Unsupported resize on batch and channel dimension.')
return [
raise NotImplementedError('Current only support 2d resize, got x {}.'.format(x.shape))
class OnnxExpand(OnnxOperator):
def run_v8(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
data, new_shape = inputs
new_shape = self.tensor2list(new_shape)
new_shape = hidet.graph.ops.arithmetic.broadcast_shape(data.shape, new_shape)
return [ops.broadcast(data, new_shape)]
class OnnxRange(OnnxOperator):
def run_v11(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
start, limit, delta = [self.tensor2list(t) for t in inputs]
array = np.arange(start=start, stop=limit, step=delta)
array = hidet.asarray(array).cuda().astype(dtype=inputs[0].dtype)
return [array]
class OnnxTile(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
data, repeats = inputs
repeats = self.tensor2list(repeats)
return [ops.tile(data, repeats)]
class OnnxAveragePool(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
auto_pad = self.attrs.get('auto_pad', 'NOTSET')
ceil_mode = self.attrs.get('ceil_mode', 0)
count_include_pad = self.attrs.get('count_include_pad', 0)
kernel_shape = self.attrs.get('kernel_shape')
if auto_pad != 'NOTSET' or ceil_mode != 0 or count_include_pad != 0:
raise NotImplementedError(self)
x = inputs[0]
if len(x.shape) == 4:
pads = list(self.attrs.get('pads', [0, 0, 0, 0]))
strides = list(self.attrs.get('strides', [1, 1]))
x = ops.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_shape, strides, pads)
elif len(x.shape) == 5:
pads = list(self.attrs.get('pads', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
strides = list(self.attrs.get('strides', [1, 1, 1]))
x = ops.avg_pool3d(x, kernel_shape, strides, pads)
raise NotImplementedError('Currently only support 2d and 3d avg pooling')
return [x]
class OnnxClip(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
(x,) = inputs
min_value = self.attrs.get('min', None)
max_value = self.attrs.get('max', None)
x = ops.clip(x, min_value, max_value)
return [x]
def run_v11(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
data, min_value, max_value = self.optional_inputs(inputs, requires=[True, False, False])
if min_value is not None:
min_value = self.tensor2scalar(min_value)
if max_value is not None:
max_value = self.tensor2scalar(max_value)
return [ops.clip(data, min_value, max_value)]
class OnnxEqual(OnnxOperator):
def run_v11(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
a, b = inputs
return [ops.equal(a, b)]
class OnnxLess(OnnxOperator):
def run_v9(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
a, b = inputs
return [ops.less(a, b)]
class OnnxGreater(OnnxOperator):
def run_v7(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
a, b = inputs
return [ops.greater(a, b)]
class OnnxGreaterOrEqual(OnnxOperator):
def run_v12(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
a, b = inputs
return [ops.greater_equal(a, b)]
class OnnxLessOrEqual(OnnxOperator):
def run_v12(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
a, b = inputs
return [ops.less_equal(a, b)]
class OnnxWhere(OnnxOperator):
def run_v9(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
cond, a, b = inputs
return [ops.where(cond, a, b)]
class OnnxSplit(OnnxOperator):
def run_v2(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axis = self.attrs.get('axis', 0)
parts = self.attrs['split']
data = inputs[0]
return ops.split(data, parts, axis)
def run_v13(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
data = inputs[0]
axis = self.attrs.get('axis', 0)
if len(inputs) == 1:
num_outputs = len(self.output_names)
extent = data.shape[axis]
if extent % num_outputs != 0:
raise ValueError(
'Can not split tensor with shape {} on axis {} into {} parts evenly.'.format(
data.shape, axis, num_outputs
parts = [extent // num_outputs] * num_outputs
elif len(inputs) == 2:
parts = self.tensor2list(inputs[1])
raise ValueError(
'Expect the input of Split operator have 1 or 2 inputs, but got {} inputs. See:\n'.format(len(inputs))
+ 'https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/docs/Operators.md#Split'
return ops.split(data, parts, axis)
class OnnxReduceSum(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axes = self.attrs['axes']
keepdims = self.attrs.get('keepdims', True)
data = inputs[0]
return [ops.sum(data, dims=axes, keep_dim=keepdims)]
def run_v13(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
keepdims = self.attrs.get('keepdims', True)
noop_with_emtpy_axes = self.attrs.get('noop_with_empty_axes', False)
data = inputs[0]
if len(inputs) == 1:
if noop_with_emtpy_axes:
axes = []
axes = list(range(len(data.shape)))
axes = self.tensor2list(inputs[1])
return [ops.sum(data, dims=axes, keep_dim=keepdims)]
class OnnxReduceMin(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axes = self.attrs['axes']
keepdims = self.attrs.get('keepdims', True)
data = inputs[0]
return [ops.min(data, dims=axes, keep_dim=keepdims)]
class OnnxReduceMax(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axes = self.attrs['axes']
keepdims = self.attrs.get('keepdims', True)
data = inputs[0]
return [ops.max(data, dims=axes, keep_dim=keepdims)]
class OnnxMax(OnnxOperator):
def run_v6(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.maximum(*inputs)]
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
raise NotImplementedError()
class OnnxMin(OnnxOperator):
def run_v6(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.minimum(*inputs)]
class OnnxReciprocal(OnnxOperator):
def run_v6(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.reciprocal(inputs[0])]
class OnnxExp(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.exp(inputs[0])]
class OnnxLog(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.log(inputs[0])]
class OnnxNeg(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.negative(inputs[0])]
class OnnxIf(OnnxOperator):
def __init__(self, node, op_sets: List[int]):
super().__init__(node, op_sets)
self.env_tensors: Dict[str, Tensor] = {}
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
cond = inputs[0]
if cond.storage is None:
raise ValueError(
'Hidet currently does not support dynamic control flow in computation graph'
' (If operator with condition that depends on non-const input).'
cond = cond.numpy().flatten()
if cond.size > 1:
raise ValueError('Condition in If operator can only have a single element.')
if np.all(cond):
graph = OnnxGraph(self.attrs['then_branch'], self.op_sets, self.env_tensors)
graph = OnnxGraph(self.attrs['else_branch'], self.op_sets, self.env_tensors)
return graph(*inputs[1:])
class OnnxNot(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.logical_not(inputs[0])]
class OnnxCumSum(OnnxOperator):
def run_v11(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
x, axis = inputs
axis = self.tensor2list(axis)
exclusive = self.attrs.get('exclusive', False)
reverse = self.attrs.get('reverse', False)
return [ops.cumsum(x, axis, exclusive=exclusive, reverse=reverse)]
class OnnxIdentity(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return inputs
class OnnxPyFunc(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
'PyFunc operator in ONNX model encountered, dummy output is returned. '
'If dummy output are used, there will be errors.'
return [randn([1]) for name in self.output_names]
class OnnxLeakyRelu(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
alpha = self.attrs.get('alpha', 0.01)
return [ops.leaky_relu(inputs[0], alpha)]
class OnnxConvTranspose(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
from hidet.graph.ops.utils import normalize_stride
data, weight = inputs[:2]
if len(data.shape) != 4:
raise ValueError('Currently, only support 2D ConvTranspose.')
auto_pad: str = self.attrs.get('auto_pad', 'NOTSET')
dilations: Union[int, List[int]] = self.attrs.get('dilations', 1)
group: int = self.attrs.get('group', 1)
output_padding: Union[int, List[int]] = self.attrs.get('output_padding', 0)
output_shape: Optional[List[int]] = self.attrs.get('output_shape', None)
pads: Union[int, List[int]] = self.attrs.get('pads', 0)
strides: int = self.attrs.get('strides', 1)
if auto_pad != 'NOTSET':
raise NotImplementedError('auto_pad {} is not supported yet.'.format(auto_pad))
if output_shape is not None:
raise NotImplementedError('output_shape is not supported yet.')
if isinstance(dilations, int):
dilations = [dilations] * 2
if any(d != 1 for d in dilations):
raise NotImplementedError('dilations {} is not supported yet.'.format(dilations))
output_padding = normalize_stride(output_padding)
if len(pads) == 4 and any(p < 0 for p in pads[2:]):
# sometimes upstream framework may export onnx model with negative pads
# this is a workaround to fix it
# remove this when upstream framework fix their bug
for i, p in enumerate(pads[2:]):
if p < 0:
pads[2 + i] = 0
output_padding[i] += -p
output = ops.conv2d_transpose(
data, weight, stride=strides, padding=pads, groups=group, output_padding=output_padding
if len(inputs) > 2:
bias: Tensor = inputs[2] # 1D tensor added on channel axis
output = output + ops.unsqueeze(bias, [0, 2, 3])
return [output]
class OnnxPRelu(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.prelu(inputs[0], inputs[1])]
class OnnxAbs(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.abs(inputs[0])]
class OnnxAnd(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.logical_and(inputs[0], inputs[1])]
class OnnxBitShift(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
direction = self.attrs.get('direction', 'RIGHT')
if direction == 'RIGHT':
return [ops.bitwise_right_shift(inputs[0], inputs[1])]
return [ops.bitwise_left_shift(inputs[0], inputs[1])]
class OnnxBitwiseAnd(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.bitwise_and(inputs[0], inputs[1])]
class OnnxBitwiseNot(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.bitwise_invert(inputs[0])]
class OnnxBitwiseOr(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.bitwise_or(inputs[0], inputs[1])]
class OnnxBitwiseXor(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.bitwise_xor(inputs[0], inputs[1])]
class OnnxCeil(OnnxOperator):
def run(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
return [ops.ceil(inputs[0])]
class OnnxReduceL2(OnnxOperator):
def run_v1(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
axes: Optional[List[int]] = self.attrs.get('axes', None)
keepdims: int = self.attrs.get('keepdims', 1)
assert len(inputs) == 1
data: Tensor = inputs[0]
rank = len(data.shape)
if axes is None:
axes = list(range(rank))
axes: List[int] = [ops.utils.normalize_dim(axis, rank) for axis in axes]
return [ops.sqrt(ops.sum(ops.square(data), axes, keep_dim=bool(keepdims)))]
def run_v18(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
keepdims: int = self.attrs.get('keepdims', 1)
noop_with_empty_axes: int = self.attrs.get('noop_with_empty_axes', 0)
data, axes_tensor = self.optional_inputs(inputs, requires=[True, False])
if axes_tensor is None:
if noop_with_empty_axes:
return [data]
axes: List[int] = list(range(len(data.shape)))
axes: List[int] = self.tensor2list(axes_tensor)
return [ops.sqrt(ops.sum(ops.square(data), axes, keep_dim=bool(keepdims)))]
def dispatch(node, op_sets: List[int]) -> OnnxOperator:
op_type = node.op_type
if op_type not in dispatch_table:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Operator '{}' (in opset {}) from onnx has not been supported yet.".format(op_type, op_sets)
op = dispatch_table[op_type](node, op_sets)
return op
def dispatch_operators(nodes: Sequence[onnx.NodeProto], op_sets: List[int]) -> List[OnnxOperator]:
dispatched: List[OnnxOperator] = []
unsupported: Set[str] = set()
for node in nodes:
op_type: str = node.op_type
if op_type not in dispatch_table:
op_cls: Type[OnnxOperator] = dispatch_table[op_type]
dispatched.append(op_cls(node, op_sets))
if len(unsupported) > 0:
raise NotImplementedError("Operator(s) {} from onnx have not been supported yet.".format(list(unsupported)))
return dispatched
def run_trt(node: OnnxOperator, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> List[Tensor]:
# pylint: disable=no-member
import onnxruntime
hidet_outputs = node.run(inputs)
inputs_value_info = [
elem_type=utils.dtype_to_onnx(tensor.dtype), shape=tensor.shape
for name, tensor in zip(node.input_names, inputs)
outputs_value_info = [
elem_type=utils.dtype_to_onnx(tensor.dtype), shape=tensor.shape
for name, tensor in zip(node.output_names, hidet_outputs)
graph = onnx.helper.make_graph(nodes=[node.node], name='test', inputs=inputs_value_info, outputs=outputs_value_info)
model = onnx.helper.make_model(graph, opset_imports=[onnx.helper.make_opsetid("", opset) for opset in node.op_sets])
# print(model)
# serialized_model = onnx._serialize(model)
serialized_model = model.SerializeToString()
session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(serialized_model, providers=['CPUExecutionProvider'])
outputs = session.run(
node.output_names, input_feed={name: tensor.cpu().numpy() for name, tensor in zip(node.input_names, inputs)}
return [hidet.asarray(output).cuda() for output in outputs]
class OnnxGraph(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto, op_sets: List[int], env_tensors: Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]] = None):
self.op_sets = op_sets
self.name: str = graph.name
for param in graph.initializer:
numpy_array = onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(tensor=param)
self._parameters[param.name] = from_numpy(numpy_array).cuda()
self.input_names: List[str] = [input.name for input in graph.input if input.name not in self._parameters]
self.output_names: List[str] = [output.name for output in graph.output]
self.operators: List[OnnxOperator] = dispatch_operators(graph.node, op_sets)
# self.operators: List[OnnxOperator] = [dispatch(node, op_sets=self.op_sets) for node in graph.node]
self.env_tensors: Dict[str, Tensor] = env_tensors if env_tensors else {}
self.usage_count: Dict[str, int] = self.count_usage()
def forward(self, *args):
name2tensor = {"": None}
if self.env_tensors:
assert len(args) == len(self.input_names)
# parameters
for name, param in self._parameters.items():
name2tensor[name] = param
# inputs
for name, inp in zip(self.input_names, args):
name2tensor[name] = inp
# run nodes
log.info('start to interpret onnx graph')
usage_count = self.usage_count.copy()
for operator in self.operators:
for name in operator.input_names:
if name not in name2tensor:
raise ValueError('Tensor "{}" is used before produce.'.format(name))
inputs = [name2tensor[name] for name in operator.input_names]
if isinstance(operator, OnnxIf):
operator.env_tensors = name2tensor
outputs = operator.run(inputs)
if not isinstance(outputs, (tuple, list)):
raise ValueError(
'Operator "{}" should return a sequence of tensors, got {}.'.format(
operator.node.op_type, type(outputs)
check = False
if check:
outputs_trt = run_trt(operator, inputs)
for a, b in zip(outputs, outputs_trt):
np.testing.assert_allclose(a.cpu().numpy(), b.cpu().numpy(), atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
except AssertionError as e:
print('Operator check failed: {:>20}'.format(operator.node.name))
# print('{}'.format(', '.join(out.signature() for out in outputs)))
raise e
assert len(outputs) == len(operator.output_names)
for name, tensor in zip(operator.output_names, outputs):
name2tensor[name] = tensor
# print('{:>50} {}'.format(name, tensor.signature()))
for name in operator.input_names:
if name not in self.env_tensors:
usage_count[name] -= 1
if usage_count[name] == 0:
# free memory
del name2tensor[name]
# put outputs
results = [name2tensor[name] for name in self.output_names]
log.info('finish to interpret onnx graph')
return results
def count_usage(self):
usage_count = defaultdict(int)
for op in self.operators:
for input_name in op.input_names:
usage_count[input_name] += 1
for graph_output_name in self.output_names:
usage_count[graph_output_name] += 1
# todo: add the usage of sub graphs
return usage_count
class OnnxModule(nn.Module):
"""Loaded ONNX model.
model: onnx.ModelProto
The onnx model to load, in the protobuf format.
op_sets: List[int]
The operator sets used by the loaded model.
input_names: List[str]
The input names of the loaded onnx model.
output_names: List[str]
The output names of the loaded onnx model.
def __init__(self, model: onnx.ModelProto):
op_sets = []
for opset_import in model.opset_import:
if opset_import.domain not in ['', 'ai.onnx', 'ai.onnx.ml']:
# we currently only support standard onnx operator domain
raise ValueError(
'Onnx model imports unknown operator domain: {}, we currently '
'only support standard onnx operator set.'.format(repr(opset_import.domain))
self.op_sets: List[int] = list(reversed(sorted(op_sets)))
self.graph: OnnxGraph = OnnxGraph(model.graph, op_sets=self.op_sets)
self.input_names: List[str] = self.graph.input_names
self.output_names: List[str] = self.graph.output_names
def forward(self, *args):
"""Run the onnx model with given inputs.
args: Sequence[hidet.Tensor]
The input tensors. The number and order of the input tensors should match the
OnnxModule.input_names attributes.
ret: Union[hidet.Tensor, List[hidet.Tensor]]
The output tensor(s). If there are 2 or more tensors returned,
a list of tensors are return with the order of OnnxModule.output_names.
If there is only one tensor is returned, the single tensor is directly returned (instead of a list).
results = self.graph(*args)
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
return results
def dict_forward(self, feed_dict: Dict[str, Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Tensor]:
args = []
for name in self.input_names:
if name not in feed_dict:
raise ValueError('Missing input: {}'.format(name))
outputs = self.graph(*args)
output_dict = {name: value for name, value in zip(self.output_names, outputs)}
return output_dict
[docs]def from_onnx(model: Union[str, 'onnx.ModelProto']) -> OnnxModule:
Load an onnx model to hidet.graph.nn.Module.
model: Union[str, onnx.ModelProto]
The path or model proto of given onnx model.
ret: OnnxModule
The loaded model.
if isinstance(model, str):
model = os.path.expanduser(model)
model = onnx.load_model(model, load_external_data=False)
onnx.checker.check_model(model, full_check=True)
except ValueError:
# ignore 'ValueError: Message onnx.ModelProto exceeds maximum protobuf size of 2GB'
except onnx.onnx_cpp2py_export.checker.ValidationError: # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
warnings.warn('The onnx model has not pass the onnx checker.')
return OnnxModule(model)