Source code for hidet.graph.frontend.torch.dynamo_config

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import warnings
from typing import Optional

def dynamo_config_warning():
        'Configuration by dynamo_config is depricated. '
        'Please pass the options via mode and options arguments of torch.compile() '

[docs]class DynamoConfig: def __init__(self): self._use_cuda_graph: bool = True self._use_tensor_core: bool = False self._print_input_graph: bool = False self._dump_graph_ir: Optional[str] = None self._correctness_report: bool = False self._steal_weights: bool = False def __getitem__(self, item: str): assert isinstance(item, str) return getattr(self, f"_{item}")
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the configuration to the default values """ self._use_cuda_graph: bool = True self._use_tensor_core: bool = False self._print_input_graph: bool = False self._dump_graph_ir: Optional[str] = None self._correctness_report: bool = False self._steal_weights: bool = False
[docs] def search_space(self, level: int = 2): """ The schedule search space for the operator kernel tuning Candidates are: ``0``, ``1``, ``2`` - ``0``: Use the default schedule, without tuning. - ``1``: Tune the schedule in a small search space. Usually takes less than one minute to tune a kernel. - ``2``: Tune the schedule in a large search space. Usually achieves the best performance, but takes longer time. Parameters ---------- level: int The search space level. """ dynamo_config_warning()
[docs] def use_tensor_core(self, flag=True): """ Whether to use tensor core """ self._use_tensor_core = flag return self
[docs] def use_fp16(self, flag=True): """ Whether to use float16 data type """ dynamo_config_warning()
[docs] def use_fp16_reduction(self, flag=True): """ Whether to use float16 data type for reduction """ dynamo_config_warning()
[docs] def use_attention(self, flag=False): """ Whether to use fused attention schedule """ dynamo_config_warning()
[docs] def use_cuda_graph(self, flag=True): """ Whether to use cuda graph """ self._use_cuda_graph = flag return self
[docs] def print_input_graph(self, flag=True): """ Whether to print the input graph """ self._print_input_graph = flag return self
[docs] def dump_graph_ir(self, output_dir: str): """ Whether to dump the graph ir Parameters ---------- output_dir: str The output directory to dump the graph ir. """ self._dump_graph_ir = output_dir return self
[docs] def correctness_report(self, flag=True): """ Whether to check correctness and print report error """ self._correctness_report = flag return self
[docs] def steal_weights(self, flag=True): """ Whether to clear pytorch weights in certain layers after converting them to Hidet tensors. This will save some GPU memory usage. """ self._steal_weights = flag return self
dynamo_config = DynamoConfig()