# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any
from hidet.ir.type import TensorType
from hidet.ir.task import Task
from hidet.runtime.compiled_task import CompiledTask
from hidet.graph.tensor import Tensor, SymbolVar
from hidet.runtime.device import Device, instantiate_device
def get_operator_name(op):
cls_name = op.__class__.__name__
if cls_name.endswith('Op'):
return cls_name[:-2]
return cls_name
[docs]class Operator:
"""An operator that takes tensor as input and output."""
def __init__(self, inputs: List[Tensor], attributes: Dict[str, Any], task: Optional[Task]):
assert all(isinstance(v, Tensor) for v in inputs)
self.name: str = get_operator_name(self)
self.inputs: List[Tensor] = inputs
self.attrs: Dict[str, Any] = attributes
self.task: Optional[Task] = task
self.outputs: List[Tensor] = []
# cache
self._compiled_task: Optional[CompiledTask] = None
self.outputs = self.run()
def __str__(self):
arguments = ['{}: {}{}'.format(i, t.dtype.name, t.shape) for i, t in enumerate(self.inputs)]
attributes = ['{}={}'.format(name, str(value)) for name, value in self.attrs.items()]
return '{}({})'.format(self.name, ', '.join(arguments + attributes))
def device(self) -> Device:
"""Get the device of the output tensor of this operator.
ret: Device
The device of the output tensor of this operator.
# Some notes about self.device:
# Each hidet operator has a device property, which is the device of the output tensor of this operator.
# For common operators, the device property is inferred from the device of the input tensors. For these
# operators, the device for all input tensors and output tensor must be the same.
# There are two exceptions:
# 1. for the operators that create a tensor (e.g., hidet.full), they do not have input tensors.
# 2. for the transfer operators (e.g., hidet.ops.transfer), the output device is different from the input's
# For these operators, they must explicitly set the 'device' attribute, which is used determine the device
# of the output tensor.
if 'device' in self.attrs:
# this is an operator that create a tensor like hidet.full, or transfer operator
# get the device from the operator attributes
return instantiate_device(self.attrs['device'])
if len(self.inputs) == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot infer device from an operator with no inputs and "device" attribute')
# when the operator has inputs, get the device from the inputs
if not all(t.device.target == self.inputs[0].device.target for t in self.inputs):
raise ValueError('All inputs of an operator must be on the same device')
return self.inputs[0].device
def build_target(self) -> str:
Get the build target of this operator.
ret: str
The build target of this operator.
from hidet.graph.ops.transfer import TransferOp
# Some notes about self.build_target:
# Each hidet operator has a build_target property, which is the build target of this operator and determines
# the scheduling of task and compilation target of the scheduled tensor program.
# For common operators, the build_target property is inferred from the device of the output tensor.
# There is one exception:
# 1. for the transfer operators (e.g., hidet.ops.transfer), the build target is always 'cuda' because the
# current transfer operators are always between cpu and cuda. Even the output tensor is on cpu (in this case,
# the transfer operator copy a tensor from cuda to cpu), the build target is still 'cuda'.
if isinstance(self, TransferOp):
return 'cuda'
if self.device.kind in ["cuda", "vcuda"]:
return "cuda"
elif self.device.kind == "cpu":
return "cpu"
raise NotImplementedError()
def compiled_task(self) -> CompiledTask:
if self._compiled_task is None:
self._compiled_task = self.task.build(target=self.build_target)
return self._compiled_task
def run(self) -> List[Tensor]:
from hidet.ir.tools import collect
# we imperatively run the operator if
# 1. all inputs are concrete tensors (i.e., t.storage is not None)
# 2. there is no symbol variable in the task
could_imperative_run = (
all(t.storage is not None for t in self.inputs) and len(collect(self.task, SymbolVar)) == 0
if could_imperative_run:
return self.compiled_task.run_async(self.inputs)
return self.symbolic_run()
def symbolic_run(self) -> List[Tensor]:
from hidet.ir.tools import simplify
output_types: List[TensorType] = [output_node.type for output_node in self.task.outputs]
outputs: List[Tensor] = []
for i, output_type in enumerate(output_types):
shape = [simplify(d) for d in output_type.shape]
Tensor(shape=shape, dtype=output_type.dtype.name, device=self.device, storage=None, trace=(self, i))
return outputs
def reforward(self, inputs: List[Tensor], update_attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[Tensor]:
cls = self.__class__
attributes = self.attrs.copy()
if update_attributes is not None:
return cls(*inputs, **attributes).outputs