# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any
import hidet.option
from hidet.ir.type import TensorType
from hidet.ir.task import Task
from hidet.runtime.compiled_task import CompiledTask
from hidet.graph.tensor import Tensor, SymbolVar
from hidet.runtime.device import Device, instantiate_device
def get_operator_name(op):
cls_name = op.__class__.__name__
if cls_name.endswith('Op'):
return cls_name[:-2]
return cls_name
[docs]class Operator:
An operator that takes tensor as input and output.
name: str
The name of this operator. The name will be used when we print the operator.
inputs: List[Tensor]
The input tensors of this operator.
attrs: Dict[str, Any]
The attributes of this operator.
task: Optional[Task]
The task of this operator. The task is used to compile the operator to binary.
share_map: Optional[Dict[int, int]]
By default, the output tensors of an operator are allocated. When we want to share the output tensor memory
with some input tensor of this operator, we can specify the relationship between the output tensor and the
input tensor by share_map. For example, `share_map = {0: 0, 1: 2}` means that the output tensor 0 shares the
memory with input tensor 0, and output tensor 1 shares the memory with input tensor 2.
outputs: List[Tensor]
The output tensors of this operator.
def __init__(self, inputs: List[Tensor], attributes: Dict[str, Any], task: Optional[Task]):
assert all(isinstance(v, Tensor) for v in inputs)
self.name: str = get_operator_name(self)
self.inputs: List[Tensor] = inputs
self.attrs: Dict[str, Any] = attributes
self.task: Optional[Task] = task
self.outputs: List[Tensor] = []
# cache
self._compiled_task: Optional[CompiledTask] = None
self.outputs = self.run()
def __str__(self):
arguments = ['{}: {}{}'.format(i, t.dtype.name, t.shape) for i, t in enumerate(self.inputs)]
attributes = ['{}={}'.format(name, str(value)) for name, value in self.attrs.items()]
return '{}({})'.format(self.name, ', '.join(arguments + attributes))
def device(self) -> Device:
"""Get the device of the output tensor of this operator.
ret: Device
The device of the output tensor of this operator.
# Some notes about self.device:
# Each hidet operator has a device property, which is the device of the output tensor of this operator.
# For common operators, the device property is inferred from the device of the input tensors. For these
# operators, the device for all input tensors and output tensor must be the same.
# There are two exceptions:
# 1. for the operators that create a tensor (e.g., hidet.full), they do not have input tensors.
# 2. for the transfer operators (e.g., hidet.ops.transfer), the output device is different from the input's
# For these operators, they must explicitly set the 'device' attribute, which is used determine the device
# of the output tensor.
if 'device' in self.attrs:
# this is an operator that create a tensor like hidet.full, or transfer operator
# get the device from the operator attributes
return instantiate_device(self.attrs['device'])
if len(self.inputs) == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot infer device from an operator with no inputs and "device" attribute')
# when the operator has inputs, get the device from the inputs
if not all(t.device.target == self.inputs[0].device.target for t in self.inputs):
raise ValueError('All inputs of an operator must be on the same device')
return self.inputs[0].device
def build_target(self) -> str:
Get the build target of this operator.
ret: str
The build target of this operator.
from hidet.graph.ops.transfer import TransferOp
# Some notes about self.build_target:
# Each hidet operator has a build_target property, which is the build target of this operator and determines
# the scheduling of task and compilation target of the scheduled tensor program.
# For common operators, the build_target property is inferred from the device of the output tensor.
# There is one exception:
# 1. for the transfer operators (e.g., hidet.ops.transfer), the build target is always 'cuda' because the
# current transfer operators are always between cpu and cuda. Even the output tensor is on cpu (in this case,
# the transfer operator copy a tensor from cuda to cpu), the build target is still 'cuda'.
if isinstance(self, TransferOp):
return 'cuda'
if self.device.kind in ["cuda", "vcuda"]:
return "cuda"
elif self.device.kind in ["hip", "vhip"]:
return "hip"
elif self.device.kind == "cpu":
return "cpu"
raise NotImplementedError()
def compiled_task(self) -> CompiledTask:
if self._compiled_task is None:
self._compiled_task = self.task.build(target=self.build_target)
return self._compiled_task
def share_map(self) -> Dict[int, int]:
return self.task.share_map.copy()
def run(self) -> List[Tensor]:
from hidet.ir.tools import collect
# We symbolicly run the operator if
# 1. any input is not concrete tensors (i.e., t.storage is None)
# 2. there is symbol variable in the task
# 3. configuration option "execution_mode" is symbolic
use_symbolic = (
any(t.storage is None for t in self.inputs)
or len(collect(self.task, SymbolVar)) != 0
or hidet.option.get_execution_mode() == 'symbolic'
if use_symbolic:
return self.symbolic_run()
# Attempt to execute the task using the PyTorch runtime implementation (run_torch).
# If the method is not implemented (raises NotImplementedError),
# fall back to executing the task via the compiled task in async mode.
# This approach helps improve compilation time for optimize.
# Removing run_torch should not impact the functionality of the compiler.
if hidet.option.get_execution_mode() == 'interpreter':
return self.run_torch()
except (NotImplementedError, ValueError, RuntimeError, TypeError):
return self.compiled_task.run_async(self.inputs)
return self.compiled_task.run_async(self.inputs)
def symbolic_run(self) -> List[Tensor]:
from hidet.ir.tools import simplify
output_types: List[TensorType] = [output_node.type for output_node in self.task.outputs]
outputs: List[Tensor] = []
for i, output_type in enumerate(output_types):
shape = [simplify(d) for d in output_type.shape]
Tensor(shape=shape, dtype=output_type.dtype.name, device=self.device, storage=None, trace=(self, i))
return outputs
def reforward(self, inputs: List[Tensor], update_attributes: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[Tensor]:
cls = self.__class__
attributes = self.attrs.copy()
if update_attributes is not None:
return cls(*inputs, **attributes).outputs
def run_torch(self):
raise NotImplementedError