# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Sequence, Union
import warnings
import numpy as np
from hidet.utils.py import same_list
import hidet.runtime.storage
import hidet.cuda
from hidet.ir import dtypes
from hidet.ir.type import DataType, data_type
from hidet.ir.expr import Expr, Constant, SymbolVar, symbol_var, is_constant
from hidet.ir.layout import DataLayout, RowMajorLayout
from hidet.runtime.storage import Storage
from hidet.utils import prod
from hidet.utils.overrides import set_module
from hidet.runtime.device import Device, instantiate_device
def _simplify_dim(dim: Union[int, Expr]) -> Union[int, SymbolVar]:
from hidet.ir.tools import simplify
if isinstance(dim, (int, SymbolVar)):
return dim
elif isinstance(dim, Constant):
return int(dim)
return simplify(dim)
class Tensor:
"""An n-dimension array, could be symbolic or concrete.
This class defines an n-dimension array.
shape: Sequence[int]
The shape of the tensor.
dtype: DataType or str
The data type of the tensor.
device: Device or str
The device of the tensor.
storage: Storage, optional
The storage of the tensor. None indicates it is a symbolic tensor.
layout: DataLayout, optional
The data layout of the tensor.
trace: Tuple[Operator, int], optional
Where this tensor is derived from. A trace = (op, i) indicates that this tensor is the i-th output of the op
def __init__(self, shape, dtype, device, storage, layout=None, trace=None):
from hidet.graph.operator import Operator
self._shape: Tuple[Union[Expr, int], ...] = tuple(_simplify_dim(dim) for dim in shape)
self._dtype: DataType = data_type(dtype)
self._device: Device = instantiate_device(device)
self._storage: Optional[Storage] = storage
self._layout: Optional[DataLayout] = layout
self._trace: Optional[Tuple[Operator, int]] = trace
def shape(self) -> Tuple[Union[int, Expr], ...]:
The shape of the tensor.
The shape is a tuple of integers indicating the size of the tensor along each dimension.
shape: Tuple[int, ...]
The shape of the tensor.
return self._shape
def dtype(self) -> DataType:
The data type of the tensor.
dtype: DataType
The data type of the tensor.
return self._dtype
def device(self) -> Device:
The device of the tensor.
device: Device
The device of the tensor.
return self._device
def storage(self) -> Optional[Storage]:
The storage of the tensor.
storage: Storage
The storage of the tensor.
return self._storage
def trace(self):
The producer and the index of outputs of the producer of this tensor.
This attribute is used to track how this tensor is computed. None indicates this is a leaf tensor where the
value will be given by the user. Otherwise, it will be a tuple with (operator, index) where operator is the
producer of this tensor and index is the index of the output of the operator.
trace: Tuple[hidet.graph.Operator, int]
The trace of this tensor.
return self._trace
def size(self) -> int:
The number of elements in the tensor.
size: int
The number of elements in the tensor.
return prod(self._shape)
def layout(self) -> DataLayout:
The data layout of the tensor.
.. note::
This attribute is experimental and might change in the future.
layout: Optional[DataLayout]
The data layout of the tensor. None indicates the compact row major layout.
return self._layout
def nbytes(self):
"""The number of bytes of the tensor.
ret: int
The number of bytes.
return prod(self.shape) * self.dtype.nbytes
def op(self):
"""The operator that produces this tensor.
ret: hidet.graph.operator.Operator, optional
The operator that produces this tensor. None indicates it is not traced.
return self.trace[0] if self.trace else None
def __pos__(self):
return self
def __neg__(self) -> Tensor:
from .ops import negative
return negative(self)
def __add__(self, other) -> Tensor:
from .ops import add
return add(self, other)
def __sub__(self, other) -> Tensor:
from .ops import subtract
return subtract(self, other)
def __mul__(self, other) -> Tensor:
from .ops import multiply, utils
return multiply(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __truediv__(self, other) -> Tensor:
from .ops import divide, utils
return divide(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __rtruediv__(self, other) -> Tensor:
from .ops import divide, utils
return divide(utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self), self)
def __mod__(self, other) -> Tensor:
from .ops import mod, utils
return mod(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __pow__(self, power, modulo=None) -> Tensor:
from .ops import pow, utils
return pow(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(power, self))
def __matmul__(self, other) -> Tensor:
from .ops import utils, matmul
return matmul(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __invert__(self) -> Tensor:
from .ops import bitwise_invert
return bitwise_invert(self)
def __and__(self, other) -> Tensor:
from .ops import bitwise_and, utils
return bitwise_and(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __or__(self, other):
from .ops import bitwise_or, utils
return bitwise_or(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __xor__(self, other):
from .ops import bitwise_xor, utils
return bitwise_xor(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __lshift__(self, other):
from .ops import bitwise_left_shift, utils
return bitwise_left_shift(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __rshift__(self, other):
from .ops import bitwise_right_shift, utils
return bitwise_right_shift(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __lt__(self, other):
from .ops import less, utils
return less(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __le__(self, other):
from .ops import less_equal, utils
return less_equal(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __gt__(self, other):
from .ops import greater, utils
return greater(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __ge__(self, other):
from .ops import greater_equal, utils
return greater_equal(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
# we do not define __eq__ method for Tensor
def __ne__(self, other):
from .ops import not_equal, utils
return not_equal(self, utils.convert_to_tensor(other, self))
def __radd__(self, other):
from .ops import add
return add(other, self)
def __rsub__(self, other):
from .ops import subtract
return subtract(other, self)
def __rmul__(self, other):
from .ops import multiply
return multiply(other, self)
def __abs__(self):
from .ops import abs
return abs(self)
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
if self.size > 1:
raise RuntimeError('Boolean value of Tensor with more than one value is ambiguous')
return bool(self.item())
def __float__(self) -> float:
if self.size > 1:
raise RuntimeError('only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars')
return float(self.item())
def __index__(self) -> int:
if self.size > 1:
raise RuntimeError('only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars')
return int(self.item())
def __int__(self) -> int:
if self.size > 1:
raise RuntimeError('only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars')
return int(self.item())
def __str__(self):
head = self.signature()
if self.storage:
array_str = str(self.cpu().numpy())
return '{}\n{}'.format(head, array_str)
if self.trace is None:
return head
return '{}\nfrom {}'.format(head, self.trace)
def __getitem__(self, item):
from .ops import strided_slice, take
from .ops import reshape, transpose
if isinstance(item, Tensor):
if not item.dtype.is_integer():
raise TypeError("Tensor indexing via Tensor requires integer index tensor")
return take(self, item, axis=0)
if isinstance(item, list):
item = tuple(item)
if not isinstance(item, tuple):
item = tuple([item])
# process Ellipsis
# e.g., x[1, ..., 2] -> x[1, :, :, 2]
if Ellipsis in item:
if item.count(Ellipsis) > 1:
raise ValueError('Only one ellipsis allowed in index.')
ellipsis_index = item.index(Ellipsis)
ellipsis_ndim = len(self.shape) - sum([1 if axis not in [None, Ellipsis] else 0 for axis in item])
ellipsis_ndim = max(ellipsis_ndim, 0)
item = item[:ellipsis_index] + (slice(None),) * ellipsis_ndim + item[ellipsis_index + 1 :]
# if some elements in item are tensors
# advanced indexing will be used
if any(isinstance(it, Tensor) for it in item):
tensor_indices = []
slice_indices = []
for i, it in enumerate(item):
if isinstance(it, Tensor):
if len(self.shape) == 2 and same_list(tensor_indices, list(range(2)), use_equal=True):
x = self
x = transpose(self, tensor_indices + slice_indices + list(range(len(item), len(self.shape))))
n = len(tensor_indices)
item_sum = item[tensor_indices[0]] * prod(x.shape[1:n])
for i in range(1, n):
item_sum += item[tensor_indices[i]] * prod(x.shape[i + 1 : n])
x = take(reshape(x, (prod(x.shape[:n]),) + x.shape[n:]), item_sum)
# check if there is slice index between tensor indices
# if no, slice indices that came before tensor indices need to go to their initial positions
# otherwise, they stay as they are at the current line
if tensor_indices[-1] - tensor_indices[0] + 1 == n:
transpose_back = []
new_item = []
idx = 0
for _ in range(len(slice_indices)):
if slice_indices[idx] == idx:
transpose_back.append(len(item[tensor_indices[0]].shape) + idx)
idx += 1
for i in range(len(item[tensor_indices[0]].shape)):
for idx in range(idx, len(slice_indices)):
transpose_back.append(idx + len(item[tensor_indices[0]].shape))
new_item.append(item[idx + n])
if len(x.shape) != 2 or not same_list(tensor_indices, list(range(2)), use_equal=True):
x = transpose(x, transpose_back)
new_item = [slice(None) for _ in range(n)] + [item[idx] for idx in slice_indices]
return x.__getitem__(new_item)
# now, the item could have
# 1. integer index
# 2. slice
# 3. None
# e.g., [1, 3:5, ..., None]
# process None
# e.g., x[2, None, 3] -> x[2, 1, 3]
if None in item:
dims = []
for i, v in enumerate(item):
if v is None:
item = [v if v is not None else slice(None) for v in item]
return self.unsqueeze(dims)[item]
assert None not in item
# normalize index
normalized_item = []
for i, v in enumerate(item):
if isinstance(v, int):
if v < 0:
v = v + self.shape[i]
if is_constant(v, self.shape[i]) and (v < 0 or v >= self.shape[i]):
raise IndexError(
'index {} is out of bound for dimension {} with size {}'.format(v, i, self.shape[i])
item = tuple(normalized_item)
# process slice and integer index
rank = len(self.shape)
while len(item) < rank:
item = item + (slice(None),)
starts, ends, steps = [], [], []
squeeze_dims = []
for dim, v in enumerate(item):
if isinstance(v, (int, Expr)):
ends.append(v + 1)
assert isinstance(v, slice)
sliced = strided_slice(self, starts, ends, strides=steps).squeeze(squeeze_dims)
return sliced
def __iter__(self):
raise TypeError('hidet.Tensor does not support iteration.')
def __hash__(self):
This is a hack to make hidet.Tensor hashable. There are some places where we need to use tensor as the key
of a dictionary, (e.g., in a graph optimization pass or graph execution). However, to implement a correct
protocol for hashable objects, we need to implement __eq__ as well to compare two objects when their hash
values are equal. But as a tensor, the __eq__ method is used to do element-wise comparison, and it returns
a tensor instead of a boolean value. Thus, there will be a problem when the dict that takes Tensor as key type
has other kinds of objects (e.g., int). We deliberately ignore this problem here in exchange for the convenience
of using tensor as the key of a dict.
return id(self)
def __getstate__(self):
if self.storage:
data = self.detach().cpu().numpy()
data = None
return {
'shape': self.shape,
'dtype': self.dtype,
'device': self.device,
'data': data,
'layout': self.layout,
'trace': self.trace,
def __setstate__(self, state):
data = state['data']
if data is not None:
assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
tensor = from_numpy(data).to(device=state['device'])
storage = tensor.storage
storage = None
self._device = state['device']
self._shape = state['shape']
self._dtype = state['dtype']
self._storage = storage
self._layout = state['layout']
self._trace = state['trace']
def __dlpack__(self, stream: Optional[int] = None):
This function is used to support interoperability with other frameworks that support __dlpack__ protocol.
The stream specification follows the Python array API standard 2022.
None: producer must assume the legacy default stream
1: the legacy default stream
2: the per-thread default stream
> 2: stream number represented as a Python integer
0: is not allowed due to ambiguity: 0 could mean either None, 1, or 2.
For details, please refer to the following link
1. The above convention is specified for CUDA. The specification for ROCm should be added later.
2. The per-thread default stream is currently not enabled in Hidet. We need to change both the runtime
code and compilation options to enable it. For details, please refer to the CUDA document
from .impl.dlpack import to_dlpack
if stream is not None and self.device.is_cuda():
if stream == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Stream({stream}) is not allowed due to its ambiguity.")
elif stream == 1:
consumer_stream = hidet.cuda.default_stream()
elif stream == 2:
raise NotImplementedError("Currently, Hidet doesn't support per-thread default stream")
elif stream > 2:
consumer_stream = hidet.cuda.ExternalStream(stream)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid stream number({stream})")
provider_stream = hidet.cuda.current_stream()
if consumer_stream != provider_stream:
event = hidet.cuda.Event()
elif stream is not None and self.device.is_hip():
consumer_stream = hidet.hip.ExternalStream(stream)
provider_stream = hidet.hip.current_stream()
if consumer_stream != provider_stream:
event = hidet.hip.Event()
return to_dlpack(self)
def __dlpack_device__(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
This function is used to support interoperability with other frameworks that support __dlpack__ protocol.
from .impl.dlpack import to_dlpack_device
return to_dlpack_device(self)
def __torch_function__(cls, func, types, args=(), kwargs=None):
This function is used to support interoperability with PyTorch.
We can use hidet Tensor as the input of PyTorch function:
import torch
import hidet
a = hidet.randn([2, 3], dtype='float16', device='cuda')
b = torch.abs(a)
See the following documentation for more information:
import torch
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
if not all(issubclass(t, (torch.Tensor, Tensor)) for t in types):
return NotImplemented
args = (arg.torch() if isinstance(arg, Tensor) else arg for arg in args)
kwargs = {k: v.torch() if isinstance(v, Tensor) else v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
return func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def tolist(self):
Convert the tensor to a nested list of numbers.
ret: the nested list of numbers
The nested list of numbers. The number of nested levels is equal to the rank of the tensor.
return self.cpu().numpy().tolist()
[docs] def to_device(self, device, /, *, stream=None):
Move the tensor to the specified device.
device: Device or str
The device to move the tensor to.
stream: Stream or None
The stream to use for the copy. If None, the current stream is used.
ret: Tensor
The tensor on the specified device.
device = instantiate_device(device)
if device.is_cpu():
tensor = self.cpu()
elif device.is_cuda():
tensor = self.cuda_async(device, stream=stream)
raise ValueError('Cannot recognize device {}'.format(device))
return tensor
[docs] def item(self) -> Union[int, float, bool]:
Convert the tensor to a scalar value.
if prod(self._shape) == 1:
ret = self.squeeze(dims=list(range(len(self.shape)))).tolist()
if not isinstance(ret, (int, float, bool, complex)):
raise TypeError('Cannot convert tensor to scalar.')
return ret
raise RuntimeError('Only support .item() method for tensor with only one element')
[docs] def signature(self) -> str:
"""Get the signature of the tensor.
ret: str
The signature of the tensor.
return "Tensor(shape={}, dtype='{}', device='{}')".format(self.shape, self.dtype.name, self.device)
[docs] def is_symbolic(self) -> bool:
Check if the tensor is symbolic.
A tensor is symbolic if it is not backed by any storage (i.e., ``self.storage is None``).
ret: bool
True if the tensor is symbolic, False otherwise.
return self.storage is None
[docs] def contiguous(self):
"""Create a tensor with contiguous row-major layout.
If the tensor already has the continuous row-major layout, this tensor is returned directly.
ret: Tensor
The tensor with contiguous row-major layout.
if self.layout is None or isinstance(self.layout, RowMajorLayout):
return self
return self.reshape(self.shape)
[docs] def reshape(self, shape: Sequence[int]):
"""Create a reshaped tensor.
See Also :func:`hidet.graph.ops.reshape`.
shape: Sequence[int]
The new shape.
ret: Tensor
The reshaped tensor.
from .ops import reshape
return reshape(self, shape)
[docs] def squeeze(self, dims: Union[int, Sequence[int]]):
"""Create a squeezed tensor.
See Also :func:`hidet.graph.ops.squeeze`.
dims: Union[int, Sequence[int]]
The dimension(s) to squeeze.
ret: Tensor
The squeezed tensor.
from .ops import squeeze
return squeeze(self, dims)
[docs] def unsqueeze(self, dims: Union[int, Sequence[int]]):
"""Create a unsqueezed tensor.
See Also :func:`hidet.graph.ops.unsqueeze`.
dims: Union[int, Sequence[int]]
The dimensions to unsqueeze.
ret: Tensor
The unsqueezed tensor.
from .ops import unsqueeze
return unsqueeze(self, dims)
def view(
self, dtype: Optional[Union[str, DataType]] = None, shape: Optional[List[Union[int, Expr]]] = None
) -> Tensor:
"""Reinterpret/view the self tensor with a different `dtype` and/or `shape`,
without any data copying or casting.
If the element size of `dtype` is different than `self.dtype`, the size of the last dimension of the new tensor
will be scaled proportionally. For example, if `dtype.nbytes==2` and `self.dtype.nbytes==4`, the size of the
last dimension of the new tensor will be doubled. For this to be possible, `len(self.shape)` must be greater
than 0.
Additionally, if `dtype.nbytes`>`self.dtype.nbytes`, `self.shape[-1]`
must be divisible by the ratio between the two element sizes.
dtype: Union[str, DataType], optional
The target data type to convert to. None indicates unchanged.
shape: Sequence[int], optional
The target shape to convert to. None indicates unchanged.
ret: Tensor
The tensor with the new data type and shape.
from .ops import view
return view(self, dtype, shape)
[docs] def rearrange(self, plan: List[List[int]]):
"""Create a rearranged tensor.
See Also :func:`hidet.graph.ops.rearrange`.
plan: List[List[int]]
The rearrange plan.
ret: Tensor
The rearranged tensor.
from .ops import rearrange
return rearrange(self, plan)
[docs] def sum(self, dims: Union[int, List[int]], keep_dim: bool = False):
"""Create a sum reduced tensor.
See Also :func:`hidet.graph.ops.reduce_sum`.
dims: Union[int, List[int]]
The dimensions to sum up.
keep_dim: bool
Whether to keep the reduced dimensions.
ret: Tensor
The reduced tensor.
from .ops import sum
return sum(self, dims=dims, keep_dim=keep_dim)
[docs] def mean(self, dims: Union[int, List[int]], keep_dim: bool = False):
"""Create a mean reduced tensor.
See Also :func:`hidet.graph.ops.reduce_mean`.
dims: Union[int, List[int]]
The dimensions to average up.
keep_dim: bool
Whether to keep the reduced dimensions.
ret: Tensor
The reduced tensor.
from .ops import mean
return mean(self, dims=dims, keep_dim=keep_dim)
[docs] def astype(self, dtype):
"""Cast the data type of current tensor.
dtype: DataType or str
The target data type to convert to.
ret: Tensor
The tensor with the new data type.
from .ops import cast
return cast(self, dtype)
[docs] def to(self, dtype=None, device=None):
"""Cast the data type of current tensor or/and move it to another device.
dtype: DataType or str, optional
The target data type to convert to. None indicates unchanged.
device: Device or str, optional
The target device to copy the tensor. None indicates unchanged.
ret: Tensor
The tensor with the new data type on target device.
from .ops import cast
tensor = self
if dtype is not None:
tensor = cast(tensor, dtype)
if device is not None:
device = instantiate_device(device)
if device.is_cpu():
tensor = tensor.cpu()
elif device.is_cuda():
tensor = tensor.cuda(device)
elif device.is_hip():
tensor = tensor.hip(device)
raise ValueError('Cannot recognize device {}'.format(device))
return tensor
[docs] def cpu(self):
"""Create a copy of self tensor on cpu device.
If the current tensor is already on cpu device, self is returned.
ret: Tensor
The new tensor or self.
from hidet.graph.ops import transfer
if self.device.kind == 'cpu':
return self
if self.storage is not None:
return Tensor(self.shape, self.dtype, 'cpu', self.storage.cpu(), self.layout)
return transfer(self, 'cpu')
[docs] def cuda(self, device=None):
"""Create a copy of self tensor on cuda device.
If the current tensor is already on cuda device, self is returned.
device: Device, optional
The target cuda device. None indicates the current cuda device.
ret: Tensor
The new tensor or self.
from hidet.graph.ops import transfer
if device is None:
device = 'cuda'
device = instantiate_device(device)
if self.device == device:
return self
if self.storage is not None:
return Tensor(self.shape, self.dtype, device, self.storage.cuda(device.id), self.layout)
return transfer(self, device)
def hip(self, device=None):
"""Create a copy of self tensor on hip device.
If the current tensor is already on hip device, self is returned.
device: Device, optional
The target hip device. None indicates the current hip device.
ret: Tensor
The new tensor or self.
if device is None:
device = 'hip'
device = instantiate_device(device)
if self.device == device:
return self
if self.storage is not None:
return Tensor(self.shape, self.dtype, device, self.storage.hip(device.id), self.layout)
raise NotImplementedError('Transferring from non-hip device to hip device is not supported yet.')
def vcuda_(self):
"""Cast the tensor to vcuda device in place.
If the current tensor is already on vcuda device, nothing is performed
ret: None
This operation is in-place
if self.device.is_vcuda():
if not self.device.is_cuda():
raise ValueError("Tensor must be on cuda device, got {}".format(self.device))
# if the tensor has no storage, there is no need to cast
if self.storage is not None:
self._storage = self.storage.vcuda(self.device.id)
self._device = Device('vcuda', self.device.id)
def cuda_(self):
"""Cast the tensor from vcuda device in place.
If the current tensor is already on cuda device, nothing is performed
ret: None
This operation is in-place
if self.device.is_cuda():
if not self.device.is_vcuda():
raise ValueError("Tensor must be on vcuda device, got {}".format(self.device))
if self.storage is not None:
self._storage = self.storage.cuda(self.device.id)
self._device = Device('cuda', self.device.id)
def vhip_(self):
"""Cast the tensor to vhip device in place.
If the current tensor is already on vhip device, nothing is performed
ret: None
This operation is in-place
if self.device.is_vhip():
if not self.device.is_hip():
raise ValueError("Tensor must be on cuda device, got {}".format(self.device))
# if the tensor has no storage, there is no need to cast
if self.storage is not None:
self._storage = self.storage.vhip(self.device.id)
self._device = Device('vhip', self.device.id)
def hip_(self):
"""Cast the tensor from vhip device in place.
If the current tensor is already on cuda device, nothing is performed
ret: None
This operation is in-place
if self.device.is_hip():
if not self.device.is_vhip():
raise ValueError("Tensor must be on vhip device, got {}".format(self.device))
if self.storage is not None:
self._storage = self.storage.hip(self.device.id)
self._device = Device('hip', self.device.id)
[docs] def copy(self) -> Tensor:
"""Create a copy of current tensor.
ret: Tensor
A new tensor with the same contents as the current one.
if self.trace is not None:
raise ValueError('The symbolic tensor is not modifiable, so feel free to use them without copying.')
return Tensor(
def copy_(self, src: Tensor):
src_converted = src.to(dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
if len(src.shape) != len(self.shape) or any(a != b for a, b in zip(self.shape, src_converted.shape)):
raise ValueError(
'The shape of source tensor {} does not match the shape of target tensor {}'.format(
src_converted.shape, self.shape
if src_converted is src:
self._storage = src.storage.copy()
self._storage = src.storage
return self
[docs] def copy_async(self, stream=None) -> Tensor:
"""Create a copy of current tensor asynchronously.
stream: hidet.cuda.Stream, optional
The stream to copy the tensor. None indicates the current stream of the device where self tensor is on.
ret: Tensor
A new tensor with the same contents as the current one.
if self.trace is not None:
raise ValueError('The symbolic tensor is not modifiable, so feel free to use them without copying.')
return Tensor(
[docs] def detach(self):
"""Detach the current tensor from tracing.
ret: Tensor
The detached tensor.
if self.trace is None:
return self
return Tensor(
[docs] def cpu_async(self, stream=None):
Copy the tensor to CPU asynchronously.
stream: hidet.cuda.Stream, optional
The stream to copy the tensor to CPU on.
ret: Tensor
The tensor on CPU.
if self.device.kind == 'cpu':
return self
if self.trace is None:
ret = Tensor(
self.shape, self.dtype, 'cpu', self.storage.cpu_async(stream) if self.storage else None, self.layout
return ret
raise ValueError('Please use .cpu() for symbolic tensor transfer.')
[docs] def cuda_async(self, device=None, stream=None):
Copy the tensor to GPU asynchronously.
device: Device, optional
The target cuda device. None indicates the current cuda device.
stream: hidet.cuda.Stream, optional
The stream to copy the tensor to GPU on. None indicates the current stream.
ret: Tensor
The tensor on GPU.
if device is None:
device = 'cuda'
device = instantiate_device(device)
if self.device.is_cuda():
return self
if self.trace is None:
ret = Tensor(
self.storage.cuda_async(device.id, stream) if self.storage else None,
return ret
raise ValueError('Please use .cuda(...) for symbolic tensor transfer.')
[docs] def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
Convert the tensor to a numpy array.
The tensor must be on CPU device. Otherwise, a RuntimeError will be raised. The returned numpy array will share
the same memory with the tensor.
ret: np.ndarray
The numpy array.
if self.device.kind != 'cpu':
raise RuntimeError('Cannot convert a tensor on {} to numpy array.'.format(self.device))
if self.dtype in [dtypes.bfloat16, dtypes.tfloat32]:
warnings.warn('numpy does not support {}, converting to float32'.format(self.dtype.name))
return self.astype(dtypes.float32).numpy()
return np.from_dlpack(self)
[docs] def torch(self):
Convert to a torch tensor.
ret: torch.Tensor
The torch tensor that shares the memory with the hidet tensor.
import torch
from .frontend.torch.utils import dtype_to_torch
if self.dtype in [hidet.float8_e4m3, hidet.float8_e5m2]:
return self.view('uint8').torch().view(dtype_to_torch(self.dtype))
return torch.from_dlpack(self)
def masked_fill(self, mask, value):
Fills the tensor with value where mask is True
mask: Tensor
The target cuda device. None indicates the current cuda device.
value: Union[float, int]
The stream to copy the tensor to GPU on. None indicates the current stream.
ret: Tensor
from .ops import where
return where(mask, full([], value, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device), self)
def expand(self, *sizes: int) -> Tensor:
from .ops import broadcast
sizes: List[int] = list(sizes)
assert len(sizes) >= len(self.shape)
for i in range(len(sizes)):
if sizes[i] == -1:
ri = len(sizes) - 1 - i
assert ri < len(self.shape)
sizes[i] = int(self.shape[len(self.shape) - 1 - ri])
return broadcast(self, sizes)
def float(self) -> Tensor:
return self.to(dtype=hidet.float32)
def transpose(self, dim0: int, dim1: int):
from .ops import transpose
if dim0 < dim1:
dim0, dim1 = dim1, dim0
return transpose(self, [dim0, dim1])
[docs]def empty(shape, dtype='float32', device='cpu', layout=None):
"""Create an uninitialized tensor.
shape: Sequence[int]
The shape of new tensor.
dtype: str or DataType
The data type of element of the tensor.
device: Device or str, default 'cpu'
The device of the new tensor is created on.
layout: DataLayout, optional
The layout of the new tensor. None indicates the default layout (row-major layout).
ret: Tensor
The created tensor.
dtype = data_type(dtype)
num_bytes = int(prod(shape) * dtype.nbytes)
storage = Storage.new(device, num_bytes)
return Tensor(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, device=device, storage=storage, layout=layout)
[docs]def symbol(shape: Sequence[Union[int, str, Expr]], dtype='float32', device='cpu', layout=None) -> Tensor:
"""Create a symbolic tensor.
shape: Sequence[Union[int, str, Expr]]
The shape of new tensor. The shape can contain symbolic variables. str indicates the corresponding dimension is
a symbolic variable with the given name.
dtype: str or DataType
The data type of element of the tensor.
device: Device or str, default 'cpu'
The device of the new tensor is created on.
layout: DataLayout, optional
The layout of the new tensor. None indicates the default layout (row-major layout).
ret: Tensor
The created tensor.
updated_shape = []
for d in shape:
if isinstance(d, str):
return Tensor(shape=updated_shape, dtype=dtype, device=device, storage=None, layout=layout)
[docs]def zeros(shape: Sequence[int], dtype: Union[DataType, str] = 'float32', device='cpu') -> Tensor:
"""Create a tensor initialized with zero.
shape: Sequence[int]
The shape of new tensor.
dtype: str or DataType
The data type of element of the tensor.
device: Device or str, default 'cpu'
The device of the new tensor is created on.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor.
dtype = data_type(dtype)
return full(shape, dtype.zero, dtype, device)
[docs]def ones(shape, dtype='float32', device='cpu') -> Tensor:
"""Create a tensor initialized with one.
shape: Sequence[int]
The shape of new tensor.
dtype: DataType or str, default 'float32'
The data type of element of the tensor.
device: Device or str, default 'cpu'
The device of the new tensor is created on.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor.
dtype = data_type(dtype)
return full(shape, dtype.one, dtype, device)
[docs]def full(shape, fill_value: Union[float, int], dtype='float32', device='cpu') -> Tensor:
"""Create a tensor initialized with given constant.
shape: Sequence[int]
The shape of new tensor.
fill_value: float or int or hidet.ir.Constant
The constant to initialize the new tensor.
dtype: DataType or str, default 'float32'
The data type of element of the tensor.
device: Device or str, default 'cpu'
The device of the new tensor is created on.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor.
from hidet import ops
dtype = data_type(dtype)
return ops.full(shape=shape, value=fill_value, dtype=dtype, device=device)
[docs]def randn(shape, dtype='float32', mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, device='cpu') -> Tensor:
"""Create a tensor with normal (Gaussian) distributed values.
shape: Sequence[int]
The shape of new tensor.
dtype: DataType or str, default 'float32'
The data type of element of the tensor.
mean: float, default 0.0
The mean of the normal distribution.
stddev: float, default 1.0
The standard deviation of the normal distribution.
device: Device or str, default 'cpu'
The device of the new tensor is created on.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor.
>>> randn([2, 3])
Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype='float32', device='cuda')
[[ 0.10720467 -1.6906018 0.06347568]
[-0.37061226 0.562728 1.857547 ]]
dtype: DataType = data_type(dtype)
if dtype.is_complex():
assert isinstance(dtype, dtypes.complex.ComplexType)
real = hidet.randn(shape, dtype=dtype.base_dtype, mean=mean, stddev=stddev, device=device)
imag = hidet.randn(shape, dtype=dtype.base_dtype, mean=mean, stddev=stddev, device=device)
return real + imag * 1j
if any(not isinstance(d, int) for d in shape):
raise RuntimeError('shape must be a sequence of integers, got {}'.format(repr(shape)))
np_tensor = np.array(np.random.randn(*shape) * stddev + mean).astype(
) # wrap np.array(...) for shape=[]
dtype = data_type(dtype)
if isinstance(np_tensor, float): # shape = []
np_tensor = np.array(np_tensor)
hidet_tensor = from_numpy(np_tensor)
return hidet_tensor.to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
def randint(low: int, high=None, shape: Sequence[int] = (), dtype: str = 'int32') -> Tensor:
dtype_map = {'int32': np.int32, 'int64': np.int64}
if dtype not in dtype_map:
return randint(low=low, high=high, shape=shape, dtype='int32').astype(dtype)
return asarray(np.random.randint(low=low, high=high, size=shape, dtype=dtype_map[dtype]))
[docs]def empty_like(data, shape=None, dtype=None, device=None, layout=None) -> Tensor:
Create an uninitialized tensor with the same shape, dtype, and device as the given tensor.
data: Tensor
The tensor to copy shape, dtype, and device from.
shape: Sequence[int], optional
The shape of new tensor. If None, the shape of data is used.
dtype: DataType or str, optional
The data type of element of the tensor. If None, the dtype of data is used.
device: Device or str, optional
The device of the new tensor is created on. If None, the device of data is used.
layout: DataLayout, optional
The layout of the new tensor. If None, the layout of data is used.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor.
return empty(
shape=shape if shape is not None else data.shape,
dtype=dtype if dtype is not None else data.dtype,
device=device if device is not None else data.device,
layout=layout if layout is not None else data.layout,
[docs]def symbol_like(data, shape=None, dtype=None, device=None, layout=None):
"""Create a symbol tensor like an existing tensor.
data: Tensor
The tensor to copy shape, dtype, and device from.
shape: Sequence[int], optional
The shape of new tensor. If None, the shape of data is used.
dtype: DataType or str, optional
The data type of element of the tensor. If None, the dtype of data is used.
device: Device or str, optional
The device of the new tensor is created on. If None, the device of data is used.
layout: DataLayout, optional
The layout of the new tensor. If None, the layout of data is used.
ret: Tensor
The created symbol tensor.
return symbol(
shape=shape if shape is not None else data.shape,
dtype=dtype if dtype is not None else data.dtype,
device=device if device is not None else data.device,
layout=layout if layout is not None else data.layout,
[docs]def zeros_like(data, shape=None, dtype=None, device=None) -> Tensor:
Create a tensor initialized with zero with the same shape, dtype, and device as the given tensor.
data: Tensor
The tensor to copy shape, dtype, and device from.
shape: Sequence[int], optional
The shape of new tensor. If None, the shape of data is used.
dtype: DataType or str, optional
The data type of element of the tensor. If None, the dtype of data is used.
device: Device or str, optional
The device of the new tensor is created on. If None, the device of data is used.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor with all elements as zero.
return zeros(
shape=data.shape if shape is None else shape,
dtype=data.dtype if dtype is None else dtype,
device=data.device if device is None else device,
[docs]def ones_like(data, shape=None, dtype=None, device=None) -> Tensor:
Create a tensor initialized with one with the same shape, dtype, and device as the given tensor.
data: Tensor
The tensor to copy shape, dtype, and device from.
shape: Sequence[int], optional
The shape of new tensor. If None, the shape of data is used.
dtype: DataType or str, optional
The data type of element of the tensor. If None, the dtype of data is used.
device: Device or str, optional
The device of the new tensor is created on. If None, the device of data is used.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor with all elements as one.
return ones(
shape=data.shape if shape is None else shape,
dtype=data.dtype if dtype is None else dtype,
device=data.device if device is None else device,
[docs]def full_like(
data: Tensor,
shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
dtype: Optional[Union[str, DataType]] = None,
device: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tensor:
Create a tensor initialized with fill_value with the same shape, dtype, and device as the given tensor.
data: Tensor
The tensor to copy shape, dtype, and device from.
fill_value: int, float, bool, complex
The value to fill the tensor with.
shape: Sequence[int], optional
The shape of new tensor. If None, the shape of data is used.
dtype: DataType or str, optional
The data type of element of the tensor. If None, the dtype of data is used.
device: Device or str, optional
The device of the new tensor is created on. If None, the device of data is used.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor with all elements as fill_value.
return full(
shape=data.shape if shape is None else shape,
dtype=data.dtype if dtype is None else dtype,
device=data.device if device is None else device,
[docs]def randn_like(
data: Tensor,
mean: float = 0.0,
stddev: float = 1.0,
shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
dtype: Optional[str] = None,
device: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tensor:
Create a randomly initialized tensor with the same shape, dtype, and device as the given tensor.
data: Tensor
The tensor to copy shape, dtype, and device from.
mean: float, optional
The mean of the normal distribution.
stddev: float, optional
The standard deviation of the normal distribution.
shape: Sequence[int], optional
The shape of new tensor. If None, the shape of data is used.
dtype: DataType or str, optional
The data type of element of the tensor. If None, the dtype of data is used.
device: Device or str, optional
The device of the new tensor is created on. If None, the device of data is used.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor with random values sampled from a normal distribution.
return randn(
shape=data.shape if shape is None else shape,
dtype=data.dtype if dtype is None else dtype,
device=data.device if device is None else device,
[docs]def from_numpy(nparray: np.ndarray) -> Tensor:
Create a tensor from a numpy array, sharing the memory with the numpy array when possible.
nparray: numpy.ndarray
The numpy array to create the tensor from.
ret: Tensor
The created tensor.
if not isinstance(nparray, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError('nparray must be a numpy array')
if not nparray.flags['WRITEABLE']:
# make a copy if the array is read-only
nparray = nparray.copy()
return from_dlpack(nparray)
[docs]def from_dlpack(dltensor) -> Tensor:
Create a hidet tensor from an object that implements the __dlpack__ protocol.
dltensor: an object that implements the DLPack protocol.
The object must have the method `__dlpack__` that returns a PyCapsule object with name `dltensor`.
ret: Tensor
The hidet tensor that shares the same storage with the DLPack tensor.
from .impl.dlpack import from_dlpack_capsule
if not hasattr(dltensor, '__dlpack__'):
raise RuntimeError('Expect a dltensor that implements __dlpack__ method.')
return from_dlpack_capsule(dltensor.__dlpack__())
[docs]def from_torch(torch_tensor):
"""Create a hidet tensor from pytorch tensor.
The created tensor shared the same memory as given pytorch tensor. Thus, any content
modification on one tensor would be reflected on the other one.
torch_tensor: torch.Tensor
The pytorch tensor.
ret: Tensor
The created hidet tensor.
import torch
from .frontend.torch.utils import dtype_from_torch
if not isinstance(torch_tensor, torch.Tensor):
raise ValueError('Expect a torch.Tensor, got {}'.format(type(torch_tensor)))
if torch_tensor.requires_grad:
torch_tensor = torch_tensor.detach()
if torch_tensor.dtype in [torch.float8_e4m3fn, torch.float8_e5m2]: #
return from_torch(torch_tensor.view(torch.uint8)).view(dtype_from_torch(torch_tensor.dtype))
return from_dlpack(torch_tensor)
[docs]def asarray(obj, /, *, dtype=None, device=None) -> Tensor:
Convert a list, tuple, or numpy ndarray to a hidet tensor.
obj: bool, int, float, List, Tuple, Tensor, np.ndarray
The object to be converted.
dtype: DataType or str, optional
The data type of the output tensor.
device: Device or str
The device of the output tensor.
ret: Tensor
The hidet tensor converted from given object.
from hidet.ir.dtypes import dtype_to_numpy
if isinstance(obj, Tensor):
ret = obj
elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
ret = from_numpy(obj)
array = np.array(obj, dtype=dtype_to_numpy(data_type(dtype)) if dtype else None)
if array.dtype == np.float64:
# numpy uses float64 as the default float data type, convert it to float32 as hidet takes float32 as default
array = array.astype(np.float32)
ret = from_numpy(array)
return ret.to(dtype=dtype, device=device)