# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Any, List, Union, Optional
import enum
from hidet.ir.node import Node
from hidet.ir.type import DataType, PointerType, TensorPointerType, ReferenceType
from hidet.ir.expr import Var, Expr, convert, Constant
from hidet.ir.compute import TensorNode
from hidet.ir.mapping import TaskMapping
# scope
[docs]class DeclareScope(enum.Enum):
The scope of a tensor variable used in declaration statement.
Default = 0
Global = 1
Shared = 2
Register = 3
def from_str(name):
if name == 'global':
return DeclareScope.Global
elif name == 'shared':
return DeclareScope.Shared
elif name == 'register':
return DeclareScope.Register
return DeclareScope.Default
def is_global(self):
return self == DeclareScope.Global
def is_shared(self):
return self == DeclareScope.Shared
def is_register(self):
return self in (DeclareScope.Register, DeclareScope.Default)
def is_memory(self):
return not self.is_register()
class ForStmtAttr:
def __init__(self, unroll=False, unroll_factor=None, unroll_explicit=False, parallel=False, parallel_threads=None):
self.unroll: bool = unroll
self.unroll_factor: Optional[int] = unroll_factor
self.unroll_explicit: bool = unroll_explicit
self.parallel: bool = parallel
self.parallel_threads: Optional[int] = parallel_threads
def __str__(self):
if self.unroll:
if self.unroll_explicit:
return 'u+'
elif self.unroll_factor:
return f'u{self.unroll_factor}'
return 'u'
elif self.parallel:
if self.parallel_threads:
return f'p{self.parallel_threads}'
return 'p'
return '.'
def from_extent(extent: Union[int, Expr]):
if isinstance(extent, Expr):
if isinstance(extent, Constant):
extent = int(extent)
return ForStmtAttr()
if extent < 4:
return ForStmtAttr(unroll=True, unroll_explicit=True)
return ForStmtAttr()
def parse(attr: Optional[str], num_loops: int) -> List[ForStmtAttr]:
Parse the attribute string and return a list of ForStmtAttr.
attr-string: attr*
| unroll
| parallel
| default
| 'u' # unroll
| 'u' INT+ # unroll with factor, e.g., u1 u2 u3. u1 indicates unroll with factor 1 (i.e., no unroll)
| 'u' '+' # explicit unroll, will be unrolled by hidet instead of underlying compiler
| 'p' # parallel with available number of threads
| 'p' INT+ # parallel with specified number of threads
default: '.'
attr: str
The attribute string.
num_loops: int
The number of loops this attr string describe.
attrs: List[ForStmtAttr]
The list of ForStmtAttr.
if attr is None:
attr = ''
s = attr.replace(' ', '')
idx = 0
def cur() -> Optional[str]:
if idx >= len(s):
return None
return s[idx]
attrs: List[ForStmtAttr] = []
while idx < len(s):
if s[idx] == '.':
idx += 1
elif s[idx] == 'u':
idx += 1
c = cur()
if c == '+':
attrs.append(ForStmtAttr(unroll=True, unroll_explicit=True))
idx += 1
elif c and c.isdigit():
unroll_factor = 0
while c and c.isdigit():
unroll_factor = unroll_factor * 10 + int(c)
idx += 1
c = cur()
if unroll_factor == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid attribute string: {attr}")
attrs.append(ForStmtAttr(unroll=True, unroll_factor=unroll_factor))
attrs.append(ForStmtAttr(unroll=True, unroll_explicit=False))
elif s[idx] == 'p':
idx += 1
c = cur()
if c and c.isdigit():
parallel_threads = 0
while c and c.isdigit():
parallel_threads = parallel_threads * 10 + int(c)
idx += 1
c = cur()
if parallel_threads == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid attribute string: {attr}")
attrs.append(ForStmtAttr(parallel=True, parallel_threads=parallel_threads))
raise ValueError(f"Invalid attribute string: {attr}")
if len(attrs) == 0:
attrs = [ForStmtAttr() for _ in range(num_loops)]
elif len(attrs) == 1:
attrs = attrs * num_loops
elif len(attrs) != num_loops:
raise ValueError("Invalid attribute string: {} for {} loops".format(attr, num_loops))
return attrs
class Stmt(Node):
class EvaluateStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, expr):
self.expr: Expr = convert(expr)
class DeclareStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, var, init: Optional[Expr] = None, is_static=False, scope: Optional[DeclareScope] = None):
self.var: Var = var
self.init: Optional[Expr] = convert(init)
self.is_static: bool = is_static
self.scope: Optional[DeclareScope] = scope if scope else DeclareScope.Default
class BufferStoreStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, buf, indices, value, protected=False):
assert isinstance(indices, (list, tuple)), type(indices)
self.buf: Union[Var, TensorNode] = buf
self.indices = convert(indices)
self.value = convert(value)
self.protected = protected
class AssignStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, var, value):
self.var: Var = var
self.value: Expr = convert(value)
class ReturnStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, ret_value: Optional[Expr] = None):
self.ret_value: Optional[Expr] = ret_value
class LetStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, bind_vars, bind_values, body=None):
if not isinstance(bind_vars, (list, tuple)):
bind_vars = [bind_vars]
if not isinstance(bind_values, (list, tuple)):
bind_values = [bind_values]
assert len(bind_vars) == len(bind_values)
assert len(bind_vars) > 0
bind_values = [convert(bind_value) for bind_value in bind_values]
self.bind_vars: List[Var] = bind_vars
self.bind_values: List[Expr] = bind_values
self.body: Optional[Stmt] = body
class ForStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, loop_var, extent, body=None, *, attr: Optional[ForStmtAttr] = None):
from hidet.ir.tools import simplify # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
self.loop_var: Var = loop_var
self.extent: Expr = simplify(convert(extent))
self.body: Optional[Stmt] = body
self.attr: ForStmtAttr = attr if attr else ForStmtAttr.from_extent(extent)
class ForMappingStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, loop_vars: Sequence[Var], mapping: TaskMapping, worker: Expr, body: Stmt):
self.loop_vars: List[Var] = list(loop_vars)
self.mapping: TaskMapping = mapping
self.worker: Expr = worker
self.body: Stmt = body
class WhileStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, cond: Expr, body: Stmt):
self.cond: Expr = cond
self.body: Stmt = body
class BreakStmt(Stmt):
class ContinueStmt(Stmt):
class IfStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, cond: Expr, then_body=None, else_body=None):
self.cond: Expr = convert(cond)
self.then_body: Optional[Stmt] = then_body
self.else_body: Optional[Stmt] = else_body
class AssertStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, cond: Union[Expr, bool], msg: Optional[str]):
self.cond: Expr = convert(cond)
self.msg: Optional[str] = msg
class AsmStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(
template_string: str = "",
outputs: Sequence[Tuple[str, Expr]] = (),
inputs: Sequence[Tuple[str, Expr]] = (),
self.template_string = template_string
self.output_labels = [pr[0] for pr in outputs]
self.output_exprs = [pr[1] for pr in outputs]
self.input_labels = [pr[0] for pr in inputs]
self.input_exprs = [pr[1] for pr in inputs]
self.is_volatile = is_volatile
class BlackBoxStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, template_string: str, *exprs: Union[Expr, str]):
self.template_string: str = template_string
self.exprs: Tuple[Union[str, Expr]] = convert(exprs)
expect_args_num = self.template_string.count('{}')
if expect_args_num != len(exprs):
raise ValueError("Invalid template string: {} for {} args".format(self.template_string, len(exprs)))
class SeqStmt(Stmt):
def __init__(self, seq: List[Stmt]):
self.seq: Tuple[Stmt] = tuple(seq)
for stmt in seq:
assert isinstance(stmt, Stmt), str(type(stmt))
class LaunchKernelStmt(Stmt):
_supported_targets = ['cuda', 'hip', 'cpu']
def __init__(
func_var: Var,
args: Sequence[Expr],
grid_dim: Tuple[Expr, Expr, Expr],
cluster_dim: Tuple[Expr, Expr, Expr],
block_dim: Tuple[Expr, Expr, Expr],
shared_mem: Expr,
target: str,
if target not in self._supported_targets:
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported target: {target}')
self.func_var: Var = func_var
self.args: List[Expr] = list(args)
self.grid_dim: Tuple[Expr, Expr, Expr] = grid_dim
self.cluster_dim: Tuple[Expr, Expr, Expr] = cluster_dim
self.block_dim: Tuple[Expr, Expr, Expr] = block_dim
self.shared_mem_bytes: Expr = shared_mem
self.target: str = target
assert func_var.name is not None
def asm(
template: str,
outputs: Sequence[Any] = (),
output_inputs: Sequence[Any] = (),
inputs: Sequence[Any] = (),
from hidet.ir.tools import infer_type # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
updated_outputs = []
updated_inputs = []
def get_register_type(expr: Expr) -> str:
expr = convert(expr)
expr_type = infer_type(expr)
if isinstance(expr_type, ReferenceType):
expr_type = expr_type.base_type
if isinstance(expr_type, DataType):
if isinstance(expr, Constant):
return 'n'
dtype2reg = {
'float16': 'h',
'float32': 'f',
'bfloat16': 'h',
'float64': 'd',
'uint8': 'h',
'uint16': 'h',
'uint32': 'r',
'uint64': 'l',
'int8': 'h',
'int16': 'h',
'int32': 'r',
'int64': 'l',
if expr_type.name not in dtype2reg:
raise NotImplementedError('{}'.format(expr_type))
return dtype2reg[expr_type.name]
elif isinstance(expr_type, (PointerType, TensorPointerType)):
return 'l'
raise ValueError('Can not deal with type {} in asm code.'.format(expr_type))
for output in outputs:
constraint = '=' + get_register_type(output)
updated_outputs.append((constraint, convert(output)))
for output_input in output_inputs:
constraint = '+' + get_register_type(output_input)
updated_outputs.append((constraint, convert(output_input)))
for x in inputs:
constraint = get_register_type(x)
updated_inputs.append((constraint, convert(x)))
return AsmStmt(template, updated_outputs, updated_inputs, is_volatile)
Int = Union[Expr, int]
def launch_kernel(
func_var: Var,
args: Sequence[Expr],
grid_dim: Union[Sequence[Int], Int],
block_dim: Union[Sequence[Int], Int],
cluster_dim: Union[Sequence[Int], Int] = 1,
shared_mem: Optional[Int] = 0,
target: str = None,
) -> LaunchKernelStmt:
launch_config: List[Tuple[Expr, Expr, Expr]] = []
for dims in [grid_dim, cluster_dim, block_dim]:
if not isinstance(dims, (list, tuple)):
dims = [dims]
dims = list(dims)
if len(dims) > 3:
raise ValueError('Grid/Cluster/Block dimension must be 3 or less.')
while len(dims) < 3:
grid_dim, cluster_dim, block_dim = launch_config
return LaunchKernelStmt(func_var, args, grid_dim, cluster_dim, block_dim, convert(shared_mem), target)