Go to the end to download the full example code.
Writing Dynamic kernel¶
More details about hidet script and how to write dynamic kernel are coming soon.
import numpy.testing
import hidet
def matmul_simt_kernel():
from hidet.lang import attrs
from hidet.lang import float32, int32
from hidet.lang import as_tensor_pointer, tensor, register_tensor, shared_tensor
from hidet.lang.cuda import threadIdx, blockIdx, syncthreads
from hidet.lang.mapping import repeat, spatial, auto_map
from hidet.lang.layout import row_major, local_layout
warps_m, warps_n = 4, 2 # we use 4x2 warps
warp_m, warp_n = 2, 2 # each warp repeats 2x2 times
warp_map_m, warp_map_n = 2, 16 # each warp has 2x16 threads
thread_m, thread_n = 4, 4 # each thread repeats 4x4 times
# block_size = (64, 256, 8)
block_m_size, block_n_size = (
warps_m * warp_m * warp_map_m * thread_m,
warps_n * warp_n * warp_map_n * thread_n,
block_k_size = 8
num_warps = warps_m * warps_n # 8
num_threads = num_warps * 32 # 256
with hidet.lang.script_module() as script_module:
def matmul_kernel(
a_ptr: ~float32, # ~ means "pointer to", similar to "*" in C
b_ptr: ~float32,
c_ptr: ~float32,
m_size: int32,
n_size: int32,
k_size: int32,
attrs.func_name = 'matmul_kernel'
attrs.cuda.block_dim = num_threads
attrs.cuda.grid_dim = (
(m_size + block_m_size - 1) // block_m_size,
(n_size + block_n_size - 1) // block_n_size,
a = as_tensor_pointer(a_ptr, float32, [m_size, k_size])
b = as_tensor_pointer(b_ptr, float32, [k_size, n_size])
c = as_tensor_pointer(c_ptr, float32, [m_size, n_size])
smem_a = shared_tensor(float32, shape=[block_m_size, block_k_size])
smem_b = shared_tensor(float32, shape=[block_k_size, block_n_size])
regs_c = register_tensor(
# shape will be inferred from the layout automatically,
# in this case, the shape is [64, 256]
local_layout(warps_m, warps_n)
* row_major(warp_m, warp_n)
* local_layout(warp_map_m, warp_map_n)
* row_major(thread_m, thread_n)
# initialize the registers
mma_mapping = (
spatial(warps_m, warps_n)
.repeat(warp_m, warp_n)
.spatial(warp_map_m, warp_map_n)
.repeat(thread_m, thread_n)
for i, j in mma_mapping.on(threadIdx.x):
regs_c[i, j] = 0.0
# iterate over the k tiles
num_k_tiles = (k_size + block_k_size - 1) // block_k_size
for k_tile in range(num_k_tiles):
# load smem_a [block_m_size, block_k_size] from global memory
for i, k in auto_map(block_m_size, block_k_size, workers=num_threads).on(
global_i, global_k = (i + blockIdx.x * block_m_size, k + k_tile * block_k_size)
smem_a[i, k] = (
a[global_i, global_k] if global_i < m_size and global_k < k_size else 0.0
# load smem_b [block_k_size, block_n_size] from global memory
for k, j in auto_map(block_k_size, block_n_size, workers=num_threads).on(
global_k, global_j = (k + k_tile * block_k_size, j + blockIdx.y * block_n_size)
smem_b[k, j] = (
b[global_k, global_j] if global_k < k_size and global_j < n_size else 0.0
# synchronize all threads in the block
# simt matrix multiply accumulate (mma): regs_c = regs_c + smem_a @ smem_b
for i, j in mma_mapping.on(threadIdx.x):
for k in range(block_k_size):
regs_c[i, j] += smem_a[i, k] * smem_b[k, j]
# synchronize all threads in the block
# store regs_c back to global memory
for i, j in mma_mapping.on(threadIdx.x):
global_i = i + blockIdx.x * block_m_size
global_j = j + blockIdx.y * block_n_size
if global_i < m_size and global_j < n_size:
c[global_i, global_j] = regs_c[i, j]
assert isinstance(matmul_kernel, # matmul is a
def main():
from hidet.utils.benchmark import benchmark_func
func = matmul_simt_kernel()
for m, n, k in [(1024, 1024, 1024), (333, 444, 555), (1, 12, 13)]:
a = hidet.randn([m, k], dtype='float32').cuda()
b = hidet.randn([k, n], dtype='float32').cuda()
c = hidet.zeros([m, n]).cuda()
func(a, b, c, m, n, k)
actual=c.cpu().numpy(), desired=a.cpu().numpy() @ b.cpu().numpy(), rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4
hidet_latency = benchmark_func(lambda: func(a, b, c, m, n, k), repeat=50)
print(f'{m}x{k}x{n}: hidet takes {hidet_latency:.2f} ms')
1024x1024x1024: hidet takes 0.22 ms
333x555x444: hidet takes 0.11 ms
1x13x12: hidet takes 0.02 ms
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.939 seconds)